Sunday, December 6, 2015

It's Holiday Time

December is here and I hope it doesn't fly by! At work when people check books out, the due date is 3 weeks ahead...I don't like seeing December 26th as a due date when it's only the first week in December. But that's the way it is, so I just have to take time to enjoy each day.
My Christmas decorations are already up...I started earlier than usual this year.

 Not sure why exactly...but I like them. I like sitting by the tree when it's lit up at night.

 I like getting out the ornaments and remembering where and why and when we got them. I feel corny when I say this, but It's kind of like visiting with old friends.

Some are from friends, some are from family members some have seen better days....hahaha you get the idea.
I decided to decorate a little early because things are going to get hectic later on this month. We don't have a live it doesn't matter if we put it up in early December and leave it up until January 2016.

For most of the year we have been planning for John's big 60th birthday. We decided right after Brenna's fun 30th birthday that we needed to have another party to look forward to...and so the 60th Birthday plan started to evolve.  Since then I have been driving everyone crazy, I'm sure, with my little updates about the music, the costumes, the food, etc.But as a result...all of my sisters are planning to come to FL for the party! Looks like my persistence was worth it...hahaha. Now I feel like even if no one else shows up...there will be enough of us to have a great time!
Months ago I started gathering my decorations...starting with the neon colored garland and the little "Groovy Buses". I have assorted table cloths, other garlands, name it. Since it's near Christmas...I figured we needed a retro silver tree or two...and some ornaments with a 60's feel to them.
                     I have a few posters...Woodstock and Endless Summer of course.
              And there are boxes and piles of assorted items in various rooms in our house.

                       As you can see...neon colors and peace signs are the rule of the day.
By the time the date is here...I think I should have more than enough to go around. hahaha
I've been tweaking the play list...and I think I have it where I want it. When I happen upon a good song from the 60's...I just add it to the list.  For instance, We recently watched THE MAN FROM UNCLE and there were a couple of good songs in the soundtrack. When my favorite station plays a random song from the 60's....I run for the paper and pencil so I can jot down the name. I am hoping people will not just recognize all the songs...but dance too! It is kind of interesting to see the difference in my idea of the 60's vs John's idea of 60's music. He was the youngest in the he knows all the Supremes, Temptations, and other top 40- 60's hits...whereas I lean towards the "Alternative" bands like The Zombies, The Troggs, Cream, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix. Of course a lot of the people coming are younger than us I have to have plenty of Beach Boys and things they'll recognize too. I've tried to put together a good mix...time will tell.
We are all getting our costumes doubt there will be a few who come with just a peace sign or a tie-dye shirt...but that will work. John has some retro print baggies, t-shirt and a wig.... As for me.......................................................................
My sister has several pairs of boots...we'll have to see what pair she chooses. hahaha My nephew got his costume together for Halloween and he was looking pretty good. One thing for sure is we will all have some good laughs! Hey...if you are going to turn might as well have a good time in the process!
So for the next few weeks we are going to enjoy the festivities around town. The first of the out of town family arrives on December 24th...then the 26th, the 31st, Jan 1st, and party time on the 2nd! I am looking forward to fun and games with everyone. PingPong, football games (on TV) ,board games, food, drinks and lots of laughs! Bring on the holidays!

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