Friday, November 13, 2015

"I'm pretty sure I took this same picture yesterday...."

I'm pretty sure I took this same picture yesterday....
I said that a lot  a couple of weeks ago when we were up in North Carolina. We were there the last  week in October....and we happened to be there for the peak of the fall color.

 We planned this trip months ago....before I had my surgery, etc. As it turned out, it was a nice way to finish up my time off from work.I got to spend my last 2 of the 12 weeks of "sick" leave out of town. I couldn't have planned it better if I tried. (I had my physical therapy the day before I left and the day after I got it really worked out perfectly.)
We flew up to Atlanta, as we usually do,  then rented a car and drove up to the mountains from there.. We try to plan ahead to avoid rush hour traffic in Atlanta....and once we get out of the city...the drive is not too bad. Three or so hours versus the drive from Melbourne...which would be about 11!
This was at the first "Scenic View"...and as soon as we saw this...we were excited!

We arrived at John's brother's place in time for lunch. Later that afternoon his sister Sandy and brother-in-law were arriving from the other side of the mountain.(TN)

The temperatures were cool...but not cold, and it was wonderful. We took a nice long walk each day and I took pictures and picked up leaves...hahah I couldn't help myself. I would tell myself not to bring the camera, but I always did.
It was nice to see the family again, since we last saw them in November last year. I love to go up in the fall because even though I've been in Florida for 47 years....I still love to see the leaves.  It is wonderful when the are at peak really is beautiful. We had a nice visit too. John has been working hard and the 5-6 days off were a much needed break for him. For me the trip usually involves visiting, and shopping with Sandy and Kathie. We always make a trip to Highlands for our favorite shrimp and grits lunch and then shopping along Main street. And then we finish the afternoon off with a stop at Buck's Coffee. It never gets least it doesn't for me.
all the colors on one tree 

Walking along in the 50-60 degree temperatures and enjoying all the color....made me just want to keep walking!
I decided to just take a picture of the leaves I collected....since they never keep their vibrant colors when you save them. I try to get all shapes and sizes and all different colors. I think my very favorite are the Maple trees that have the red/orange/yellow colors. The red  almost seems  florescent in the sunlight.
view from the back deck

morning coffee by the fireplace outside...perfection! 
We had some nice conversations while we enjoyed the fire and watching the different birds stopping by the bird feeder for a snack.
For me this vacation was especially welcome. I had been off from work since August 11th, because of my shoulder surgery. The first few weeks I didn't venture too far from home; I just thought taking it kind of easy would be best. I did take my daily walk...and it was HOT!!!!! 90 degree temperatures forced me to get up early and get myself avoid at least some of the heat. I had a system where I used VIVA paper towels tucked in my it wouldn't get all wet and smelly from the perspiration. John thought I was completely nuts...stuffing paper towels in every day, mostly because I would let them dry and reuse them. That particular brand is very durable...hahah and I did feel like a little old lady...but I couldn't waste all that paper every day.hahah
During the first few weeks I read some books I had saved up to read...and then I started on "A Team of Rivals" by Doris Kearns Goodwin; a book I had bought off the sale shelf at work a while back. It is pretty thick and I read kind of slowly...but it was fascinating. Lincoln was pretty genius the way he went about putting together his cabinet. It should be required reading for today's politicians....maybe they would realize there is a way to disagree but still get things done. I have have read other books about Lincoln and The Civil War but this one kind of tied it all together for me. We made a trip or two to Disney World during my time off...but I didn't want to jeopardize my shoulder in any I only went on a handful of easy rides. I also cleaned up around our house...slowly working my way from room to drawer or cabinet at a time...since I wasn't supposed to reach, lift or pull anything. I weeded through some junk...and actually tossed out a few things. I am a bit of a pack rat...but I try not to get too carried away. It is funny sad how you can be looking for one thing and come across two-three other things you forgot you had....that happened more than once. Sometimes it was a matter of "Oh that's where I put this!!!" other times it was me realizing I had completely forgotten about the item. The good news is that my gift stash has been reorganized  and with any luck I will give some of the things away this holiday season. (we'll see.... hahaha)
I tried to bake once or twice but it took a looooong time...using one arm to do most everything....but that's ok...I spent one whole afternoon on a batch of cookies. Baking relaxes me...not necessarily that day...but that's okay.
At the beginning of the 12 seemed like an eternity; but that didn't really bother me. I had lunch with a co-worker one day and she said something like"How long have you worked for the library? me-" 12 years " her "Wow...I just don't know if I can/could do that" We both paused a minute and I had to admit that the 3 month break was kind of a nice break from the  job. At the beginning of August I was feeling a little weary/bored/something and kind of looked forward to the time off. For the most part I don't mind my job...but some of the tedious details bother me from time to time and then there's the BS that just frustrates me.I've enjoyed a lot of breaks this past year...Hawaii, Park City and other long I should have been satisfied...but I was a little restless. And even though people couldn't understand how I wasn't bored to death...I was perfectly content. Two important details...I had paid sick I wasn't worried about paying my bills while I was out... and that is huge! I don't get a lot of benefits working part time...but paid sick leave and vacation time is pretty nice! (Especially when you have plenty of time saved up.) and I was able to get out and walk, go to the beach, go in the pool.... I wasn't confined to bed or the house. And probably most of all...I wasn't really in pain at all. Maybe a little discomfort at the beginning...and when therapy started...but for the most part....I was pain free. So...paid time off, nice weather (hot- but you can't have it all...hahaha) and relatively pain free...adds up to a nice break. And a nice trip to NC right near the end was great. As it turns out we planned a last minute trip to DC the same week that we got home from NC...because Megan and Marcus will be moving out of the country in December and we wanted to get up to see them once more before they leave. I will save that for another well as the rest of my pictures....hahah because now I AM back to work...and I have to be there tomorrow. I am still getting back in the routine...and have to make myself go to bed so I won't be tired all day!

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