Friday, September 4, 2015

Random thouhgts from someone with a lot of time on their hands...

I'm in to week 3 of being off but not being able to do anything with might right arm/shoulder. It hasn't been terrible; but it gets a little boring at times. The main thing is I don't want to do anything stupid to mess up the healing process. I am hoping this surgery will take care of the problems with my shoulder and life will return to normal. I have had a lot of time to think though....haha
1. It's hot here and  very humid. Add a sling/belt wrap to the equation...and you can imagine. The good thing is it's made me motivated to get out earlier than I normally do; but it's hot even at 7:30-8am. Oh is what it is,I just have to deal with it. I do use plenty of powder and a couple of super absorbent paper towels tucked in the helps even if I look a little goofy.
2.Watching the school kids at the bus stops. Laughed earlier this week when I first witnessed a mom with a car full of kids zipping along (a little faster than the neighborhood speed limit I'm sure). All the kids had food and/or drinks in hand ...breakfast....very relaxing...hahah. Mom looked a little harried...haha Meanwhile around the corner I watched a kid making his way to the bus stop....I don't think the kid could have moved any slower if he had tried. He must have it timed down to the second...because right as he got to the "stop" the bus pulled up. I figure a) he didn't want to have to take a chance of talking to anyone while he waited or b) he was just really tired. hahahaha It also reminded me of the many times I had to run down our street to get to the bus stop on time. :)
3. We made a trip to Lowe's for a couple of things. I found a couple of lights for our up-coming party.
The suggestions for use crack me up...because they are so random hahaha
4. It's a little sad to think that the highlight of my day yesterday was the trip to the therapy place...haha although I did stop for a muffin at the Blueberry Muffin on my way  home, so that helped hahah
5. I am so glad we have our pool! The water isn't cold...but I kind of like it that way. At least I can get in the pool to get some exercise without getting too hot.
6. When you're walking around with a sling like  mine...a lot of people notice and like to chat about their similar experience. I don't mind...I like friendly people. Most offer encouragement too...kind of nice. Makes me wonder...will I be the future grocery store person chatting about MY shoulder surgery.hahahaha
7.I know I mentioned this in my last post...but I don't think most people took me seriously when I mentioned my shoulder was bothering me. killing me...hahah Most of them were "yea, yea..._____________" But it is amusing when they say "Wow...I had no idea it was that bad" which I figure translates to..."Oh I thought you were just complaining"...HAHAHAHAH
8. I am insurance may not be great...but I do have insurance it does help! Also very thankful for Paid Sick Leave!
9. Also thankful for plenty of books to read. "Circling the Sun" Barbarian Days""Finding Audrey" "Ladies of Managua"and "A Team of Rivals" to name a few.
10. always...thankful that it's 2015! Modern medicine is amazing!
11. And on that note...glad to have lived here long enough to be friends with my Dr. and the therapist.
It's nice to feel like they have my best interest at heart.(a little more than usual I hope)One less thing to worry about.

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