Monday, March 23, 2015

A week out west

This time last week I was out on the slopes in Park City, Utah; winding up our week long ski trip with family.
My sister Martha and her husband rented a condo several months back and then put the word out..."Who wants to join us in Salt Lake City in March?"
John was ready to jump on board...I wasn't so sure. We had our trip to Hawaii planned....and I wasn't sure we needed to spend more money just 6 or so weeks later for a ski trip. That and the fact that I hadn't been back to skiing since our trip to Lake Tahoe in March 2012; when I tore my ACL. But I decided to ask for the days off...and see how it went. As John said when he showed me photos of the condo...if nothing can hang out in the condo and relax for a week....
We flew out of Orlando on the 8th and arrived around the same time as Megan and Marcus, who flew in from DC. Ian and Tara were already at the condo, and Martha and Tony were due to arrive the next morning. The weather had been warm and the snow was quickly melting away...but there was enough of a base to keep the slopes open...or as I like to say...enough to work with. The warmer temperatures were actually kind of nice for a change- we didn't have to wear so many layers...just a shirt and lightweight jacket.
Normally the condo was "ski in- ski out" but due to melting snow...unless you wanted to ski over ice and rocks...that option was out. However, just down the road were lockers and this gondola. You put on your gear...then rode the gondola up to the nearest ski run and skied down to the lift. Very convenient.

Megan and Marcus getting ready
The condo was very nice...big huge kitchen, nice living room/dining area with fireplace.

Three bedrooms and 3 1/2 bathrooms upstairs....and one floor down from Kitchen was another small living
room, bath room,  a mini kitchen set-up and a bunk room with two bunk beds and a king sized bed. Right out from that room was the hot tub. You could sleep at least 12 people (beds) plus more on sofa/etc. There were robes in each of the rooms which came in handy when going into/getting out of the hot tub! Not much feels better than a nice hot tub in the cold's relaxing and refreshing.

note the bare ground with just little patches of snow 

The hot tub was also a great place to enjoy a nice cold drink.....just ask Tara and Martha...hahah

The days were nice and sunny with BLUE skies! Beautiful the first two days we skied. It did get cold at night so  we waited a bit to go out skiing; to let the snow soften up a little. It is not fun to ski on crunchy, icy snow. We rode the gondola up, skied down to the Silver Star Lift...then rode it up to the top; or next level for lack of a better word.
As you can see the ride up to the next lift enabled us to see just how much of the snow was melting away.....each day a little more was gone....but there was plenty at the top :)
Martha, Megan, Marcus, Tony, John and I all ended up buying new jackets while we were there. I had an old jacket that started as Brenna's, then got handed down to me...and it was a little heavy for the weather we were having. So consequently, John and I ended up looking almost like we matched...hahah something I swore we would NEVER, ever do! hahaha My jacket is more orangey...his is red/black. Tony bought a neon yellow jacket, with mustard yellow pants...and yet another shade of yellow gloves...we just laughed every time he got dressed. The colors clashed terribly...but he didn't care...and one thing for could always spot him on the slopes! :)
Martha was easy to spot because of the color of her helmet

                                  We just had to decide which way we were going to go?????
We did have one day with some snow...which was kind of fun.....except when my sunglasses got so fogged up I couldn't really see anything.
no blue skies on this day

We also had one cold lunch at the bottom of the hill on a day that was kind of windy. The light was "flat" that day...making it hard to see well...and everyone decided to come in earlier than usual that day. Inside it was full and we didn't feel like we opted to sit outside.

note Tony's colorful combo...hahaha

Tony asked the waiter if they had any space  heaters...a couple of minutes later the guy came back and handed Tony a blanket and said "here's your heater...hahaha"

After lunch we headed back to the condo for a break...and then Martha, Marcus, Megan and I headed into town to check it out.....more on that tomorrow.

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