Thursday, October 23, 2014

Taking a look back

It's a Throwback Thursday on Face book and after I posted some photos about the Two-Day Colon Cancer walk I participated in with my sisters back in October 2003; I decided to write a little more about the experience on the blog. Mostly because I've been laughing to myself for the last couple of days remembering the fun we had... that, and I figured it was a story worth retelling.
I forget who originally saw the ad/flyer/whatever for the walk...I think it was Elizabeth. But whoever it was Liz or Jen...they decided they were going to participate and then asked me if I would be interested in joining them. I know there was a certain $$ amount participants were supposed to raise or you could raise less money and be a part of the crew during the 2-day walk. I knew Liz and Jen would have no trouble getting the donations needed...but I didn't want the three of us to be asking the same people...and I'm not comfortable asking for things in I decided I'd try to  raise the lower amount and be part of the crew. That way I'd still get to participate but wouldn't have to worry about the money.
Our friend Cheryl also signed up for the walk and Jen had a group of friends up in Virginia who participated. I think we had enough people for 3 or 4 two- man tents The first day of the walk started in Leesburg, VA. There were some opening speeches and Jenifer was one of them. I had to head out with the crew to the first stop. So I went off with the crew...while the walkers set out.
this is the "news" for day two of the walk...Jenifer was the "Marcher in Profile"-they didn't get it all straight...but it was nice anyway.
The crew served the walkers lunch...then we were on to the school where we all camped out for the night. What I didn't realize at the time was...there is a whole group of what I'll call "professional" volunteers. Almost everyone working on the crew was a full time worker somewhere...but on weekends the worked at various fundraising events. Most of the group I was with had just helped out at a two day Breast Cancer awareness event the week before. Listening to them was kind of interesting...I didn't know I was sort of the odd one out, so I just sat back and eavesdropped on all the other conversations...haha. Heard them talking about the walkers at the previous event "who actually thought the crew was going to pitch their tents for them...hahah" I heard that I thought to myself...gee that's kind of what I thought....I didn't realize people would walk all day...then have to come pitch a tent before they could relax....So after we got things set up for dinner and knew what the plan was, I went and gathered the gear for our group and got started putting the tents up before everyone arrived. A couple of the girls had some pretty good blisters going so they were happy to relax for the evening. The first night's dinner had a Mexican Theme-
I have to admit I was thinking...tacos? for a group that includes people with colon cancer? Not always the best thing to eat when A) you already have digestive issues and B) you are sleeping in tents  set up in tight rows.....hahah...however no one else questioned I never said a word.
That night the temperature was going to get down into the 40's...and when the sun went down it started getting chilly fast.

 Someone (in charge) handed out Mylar sheets to all of us...crew and walkers to help keep us warm. They did the trick. Well...when it was time to hit the sleeping bags...I had the "brilliant" idea that we should wrap ourselves in the Mylar sheet and then get in the sleeping bag...that way we'd stay nice and warm. It worked...until you had to move...hahaha The first time I moved around all you could hear was crinkle, crinkle, a gigantic sheet of aluminum foil being crumpled. Cheryl and I were in a tent together...we started laughing because our crinkling set off a wave of other crinkling down the line. Well...between the cold, the crinkling, etc...I got the giggles. Everyone else was settling down and I was trying hard not to be a trouble-maker...but I could not stop laughing.  Cheryl dozed off and I was lying there like a mummy...afraid to move...hahah. But I did...and always the domino effect started...hahah. Then I was afraid I'd fall asleep and not only Cheryl...but Liz and Jen and the others would hear me snoring...thinking about that made me laugh even more. At one point in the middle of the night...I decided enough was enough and I tried to get out of the wrap as quickly as possible...CRINKLING ALL THE WAY! hahaha I did venture out to the Port-a-Potties and ran into someone else (Liz?) from the group and laughed about all the crinkling and other noises going on.
I think I got a little sleep that ...but I really did laugh to myself all night long.
I had to get up pretty early in the morning(see schedule below) to get a hot shower before it was time to serve breakfast. I must say the trailer with the hot showers was pretty nice! We had eggs,fruit, ect and the most delicious sausage (apple wood smoked) I've ever had. again I thought sausage? for people with digestive issues...oh well) The walkers ate and then they headed out for day two of the walk. The crew stayed behind  to clean up and load up the tents and all the gear and eventually headed out to our lunch spot. Lunch was pre-packed sandwiches and chips, set up was pretty easy.
We set up for lunch in a nice shady park. The temperature was pretty nice by mid day...I was wishing I had changed into my shorts. I helped serve lunch to everyone and then Elizabeth, Jenifer and crew suggested that I join them for the last 6 or so miles of the walk. I was more than happy to do so...otherwise I would have had to spend the afternoon hanging out with a bunch of people I didn't know again. I had sneakers on, I like to I was good to go.

Jenifer's friend in the blue shirt...I cannot remember her name....had some terrible blisters on her feet. She was determined to used the moleskin, etc as provided by medical crew. There was also some sort of famous ( I had no idea who he was) Fitness guy participating in the walk... he led some stretching exercises in the morning and at lunch time for anyone who was interested. At one point he and his group were walking near us and Denise? was struggling to put her shoes back on after one of our "pit stops". I believe he looked at her blisters and asked her how she felt, etc...I just remember her saying "F_____________! These &*&^% blisters hurt!" I think she made him a little  nervous...haha he did tell her...please watch your language. But we all kind of chuckled...because you had to laugh.We were also kind of  laughing at him...because he was moving a little gingerly himself...hahah As far as the walkers go...we walked pretty fast compared to most...however we had to stop at every mile marker to go to the bathroom...we being mostly Liz...hahahah. So...we'd walk past everyone...then they'd catch up to us while we were stopped  at the mile marker. We'd leave, pass them by and they'd catch us again at the next one. Towards the end...they slowed down and we passed them for good. We weren't first to finish...but way ahead of a lot of them.
The afternoon was lovely...we had some good laughs and when we weren't thinking about how tired our feet was a lot of fun.
Elizabeth, Jenifer and Anne
The trees were starting to get some I enjoyed that!

The route followed along a bike trail that eventually takes visitors down past all the monuments at the tidal was a nice place to finish the walk. The group all met up at the Jefferson Memorial. Rob, Shane and others joined us at the finish. I do remember one moment in particular though...someone from Bristol-Myers(?) maybe...or one of the doctors was  on the stage talking about research and promising advancements that had been made in treating colon cancer patients...and something along the line of "these days patients have a chance of living 5 years with treatment" or something to that effect. I think I looked at Elizabeth to see if she had heard what I thought I had just heard ....and one look at her and I could tell that she had. We didn't say a word to anyone else...but I thought to myself "Damn...we want more than 5 years!"...but decided... maybe we needed to just be happy with whatever we got and enjoy as much time together as possible in the meantime. I think we did....and it was close to 5 years (or a little longer) from the time Jen was diagnosed to when  the cancer finally won the fight. But at least for a time....things weren't so bad. We had helped raise some money to be used to raise awareness and hope for better things in the future. We also had some great stories to tell and and we did make the most of the time we got.

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