Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sometimes it's refreshing and sometimes it's a washout

Today is a beautiful day...blue skies, 82 degrees relatively low humidity...kind of perfect! But it hasn't been like this everyday....hahah Last week we had some crazy weather when a front was blowing through. The panhandle got pounded and then it worked it's way down to our part of the state on Thursday/ Friday/Saturday. When I got off work on Thursday I knew there was a good chance that IF I took a walk or bike ride I would get rained on. I checked the radar and decided I could handle getting wet...as long as there wasn't any lightning I was going to try to get a bike ride in. I made sure all the important stuff was in a plastic bag (phone, garage door opener) and set out. I was on my way up the bike path when a little drizzle started...no problem...I kept going. About 1/4 mile later I got to a point where I could see the river.  That's when I saw a wall of water heading across the river heading right towards me (and the other unfortunate walkers/bike riders). I did a quick u-turn and picked up the pace...the rain got steadily harder and then it just completely POURED! I was drenched. There wasn't anything to do but keep my head down...so my visor could at least keep the rain out of my eyes...and keep pedaling. I had to laugh...because I'm sure anyone driving by got a good laugh when they saw me. So...I rode the rest of the way home with a big grin on my face and tried to enjoy the cool rain. I looked like I had been in a dunking booth by the time I got home...hahah

Saturday the forecast was NOT good...there was an 80% chance of rain.....which was bad news for the town of Melbourne Beach...since Saturday happened to be the day of the annual Founder's Day celebration.
Races, crafts, food, music, a kids talent show all were scheduled. Brenna and Josh joined up with a Classic Car group showing their cars. They were spreading the word about electric cars. welll...they had hoped to anyway...but the rain really put a damper on things.
I got there around 9:30 or so...and it had already rained a couple of times...and the radar showed a big line of storms heading right in our direction. I did a quick loop around the park to see the crafts and say hello to a couple of friends...and then the rain started up again. As my friend Larry commented "Not a good day to get your face painted"...hahah unless you wanted to look like a sad clown that is...hahah
the guy in the hat organized the "Classic Car Show"...he was chatting with Brenna and Josh when I arrived...he remembered me from High School! hahah
After evaluating the weather radar...we decided to pack it up and clear out before the big storms hit. I made it back to my car without getting too wet...and was glad I decided to leave when I spotted a huge bolt of lightning in the distance. (That thing had some power!) Oh well...unfortunately the Founder's Day was a total washout!
Sunday...proved to be a beautiful day...cooler, clearer...all the way around better conditions....oh well.
Also this past weekend we enjoyed a quick visit with John's brother and sister-in-law. Bill was in town for his 50th class reunion. (Melbourne High/Eau Gallie High combined)
They got into town on Thursday and we went to dinner with them...Brenna and Josh and John's sister Lucy and her husband Mac.
We had a great dinner at Carraba's in Palm Bay.
Mac, Bill, Anne & John
Josh, Brenna, Kathie & Lucy
Bill had a great time visiting old friends all weekend. The reunion was well attended...considering it was a 50th reunion. They had a lot of good laughs. Also enjoyed driving around to see how much has changed since they were last in town.
 We enjoyed dinner on Thursday night and then breakfast on Sunday morning right before Bill & Kathie headed back to Alabama.
It was a nice weekend...and the nice weather Sunday made up for the WET, dreary day we had Saturday.
we finished up the day with a bike ride down to Long Doggers for dinner and to watch the Kentucky Derby.
A bunch of friends were there in hats...placing their bets on who would win.   Well, not really bets...they all just put money into the pot and then drew numbers from a hat. Beth was the lucky winner!
And...last night we enjoyed dinner at our new neighbor's house. They had decorations and the whole works for Cinco de Mayo. Joe used to have a restaurant  (Italian)...but for May 5th he cooked up some tasty chicken and beef tacos, margaritas, beans and rice, chips and fresh guacamole and cinnamon crisps with fresh fruit and whipped cream for dessert. Very nice. We enjoyed learning a little more about them and meeting Joe's 97 (!) year old Auntie. We were trying to figure out when May 5th became a day to celebrate...Joe told us back in the 80's the company that sells Jose Cuervo was the one who approached him at his restaurant to see if he was interested in promoting the "Cinco de Mayo" celebration. So there you have it.................... or you could go with my Dad's explanation "It's cinco de Mayo...you know what that means don't you...it's the day after quatro de Mayo."  hahah

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