Sunday, January 19, 2014

It's been kind of quiet

You can always tell when things are quiet around here...because this blog will end up with lots of pictures of clouds...hahah and this will be no exception.
Friday I woke up to see the sunrise through the trees. It was cold and clear. No could just tell it was going to be a beautiful day.
And it was as nice as I thought it was going to be. That evening we just happened to be driving over the causeway as the sun was setting. I got out my trusty I-Phone and started taking pictures...and hoping for the best. (pictures through the wind shield of a moving car...I didn't know what to expect)

I just kept pushing the button...John was laughing at me.
But even he said what a nice sky it was. I love how the colors kept changing as we went along.
                                              I think I opened the window and took this one

We were headed to K-Mart on Palm Bay Road to get one of the Christmas trees on clearance for 70% off. The tree we have had for the last 3-4 years was starting to shed a little...just like a real tree...hahah. That and all the lights quit working 2 years ago. I attempted to take them off the tree...what a project that was! I swear they wrap them around so many times because they don't want you to be able to get them off. I spent at least 2 hours (I was determined! hahha) unwinding those darn lights...finally got one strand off...then I just decided to leave the rest on and add new ones. Once the tree was decorated and strung with new really didn't notice the old ones anyway.
We got to the store as the last bit of light was fading away in the sky. I t was the perfect end to a beautiful day.
This was on another day earlier in the week. Not the best picture...but the way the sun was behind the clouds you could see the rays coming down all around it...just like a child's picture. This almost looks like some sort of UFO coming down! hahah (just like my dad's old stories he used to tell us...haha)
We've had colder than average weather.....which compared to every where else in the country is still relatively warm...but for's winter!...and I LOVE IT! (besides the nightly battle over the thermostat...John- "Turn the heat on".  Anne-"Turn the heat down". The other night he told me he was freezing and he needed to turn up the temperature to take the chill off...which he did. Immediately it felt stuffy to I stayed in the part of the house that does not get direct air flow from the central air/heat. Kiena was barking at me...not to get out to go to the bathroom mind you...she just wanted to go sit out in the cool air on the back "porch" (it's enclosed...but there's no heat out there). HAhah.  I joined her. Wrapped myself in a comforter, positioned the recliner just so...and enjoyed my TV shows...when I wasn't sleeping that is . John saw us both out there and admitted it was getting a little warm in the back of the he turned it down a couple of degrees.
Tonight we are eating, pizza, wings and salad  from Pistilli's and watching football with Brenna and Josh. Have to see who's going to play Denver in the Super Bowl.
Everything is ready to go....
            The name tags are ready...since it's January...I did a month by month assortment.
The snacks are to (want to) have something sweet and something savory for each table
Tomorrow I will get the rest of the things's nice that it happens to be a day off....I can spend the day getting things organized...making my refreshments. On the menu...Chicken Noodle Soup among a few other things to start off...then Apple and Blueberry Crisps for dessert. nice warm comfort foods for a chilly winter evening. It should be fun!

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