Monday, December 16, 2013

On to the next park...

We left Animal Kingdom and caught the bus over to the Ticket and Transportation Center. There we hopped on a monorail and headed over to the Magic Kingdom. It was late afternoon...perfect time to arrive and see all the lights coming on.
 We wanted to check out see the new updates. They have done a lot since I was last there. We went on a couple short fairly quick rides and looked around a bit. The new Snow White and the Seven dwarfs ride...looks like it will be fun!
 We did check out the Little Mermaid Under the Sea adventure..(or whatever they call it) It has a pretty fast moving line...because it has cars like in  the Haunted Mansion...always moving right after the other. On this ride...they were "clam shells".
                                      all the main characters from the movie were included... it was a cute ride.

can't you just hear her laughing

Happily ever After

Our next stop was Tommorrowland...Buzz Light year of course and the ALWAYS...Always...The People Mover. Best ride ever...always moving no wait...and a relaxing couple of minutes while it takes you around Tomorrowland. When the girls were little we always went on this ride...more often than not...several times.
Linda really wanted to go in the Carousel Of Progress. She went to see it originally at the World's Fair when she was a little girl. She wanted to hear the song...I just laughed be cause almost every time I've been on the stalls out...but we went. Hardly anyone was in there and it was really corny...but old Walt had a vision. I figure eventually they will replace that ride with a newer more exciting one. It is so corny I start laughing and couldn't the people behind us laughing too. Sad but's just old. even Linda commented..".it's not like I remembered it". Back at the World's must've been so cool...the seats revolving around the stage...but it just can't compete with new technology.
a peek at the new Snow White ride
we stopped by my favorite little fountain
once all the lights came on it really was beautiful. That was exactly why I wanted to go there i the first enjoy all the decorations and lights
there was a Very Merry Christmas party going on that we started heading out...on to our next stop EPCOT. It was very crowded on Main Street...I was glad I was with Linda...not John. John would have been freaking out in that mob. Between crowds coming in...and crowds going out...and people lined up for the was not easy to get out of the park! But...look at the view! Who cared! and...because of the special event...they were making "snow". I t was like little flurries of snow falling all around us.
I was glad to be getting out of the crowd though. Realistically from the time we started to leave until we finally got on a was an hour! Took the nice ride on the monorail to the Ticket and Transportation Center...then hopped on a monorail to Epcot. always relaxing. At EPCOT we headed to The LAND...because Linda had never been on" Soarin."..and if you are at HAVE to ride that ride!  There is usually a wait...but it's worth every minute! We ate a little something (good Pumpkin Squash soup with toasted pumpkin seeds...yum!) and headed over to the ride. The wait was not as bad as we expected...and Linda loved it.  When we came out...there was NO LINE at all...we started walking quickly back up before we were told to STOP!  We hadn't  realized the extra magic hours were at EPCOT that night...and because we were staying at a Disney resort...we got to stay and enjoy the rides for extra time. Once they knew we were eligible we got to walk right up and get on the ride again. By the time we got off...all the other people with extra time had worked their way over and the wait was back up to 1hr! otherwise we would have gone again!...hahah After that we slowly walked around the World showcase area...looked in the shops...but a few small things.; and just enjoyed walking around the almost empty park. It was great.

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