Monday, October 14, 2013

Tell tale signs that you are getting older.....

John's 40th Class Reunion was this past weekend.
The committee did a great job...everything was super organized and very nicely done
They had an informal  get-together downtown Friday night, then a dinner/dance party on Saturday night.
there were lots of goodies...treats on the tables, door prizes and goody bags with an assortment of coupons and gifts and the requisite T-shirt
AND THESE! HAHAHAHAH ...only at a 40th reunion would you find these kind of treats in your goody bag!
The weekend was a great success...John really enjoyed seeing a lot of old friends. I think he told me 169 people had signed up...not a bad turn out. Approximately 60 classmates have passed away over the years...they had a nice tribute to them as well. I knew some of the people...enough to have a good time Saturday night...though I did spend some time "observing " from the sidelines. More than once I met up with other "guests" in the bathroom...we all just laughed and figured we could handle being out of place...since our husbands seemed to be having fun. One of John's buddies and his wife danced  (I guess you could call it that.)..haha they could qualify for "So You Think You Can Dance"...he was such a goofy dancer...having such a good was pretty funny. She kind of hopped around "doing jumping jacks (John's take on her moves)...don't know if anyone enjoyed the music more than those two. Funny!

Music "snob" that John thinks I am...I'm not just takes me a while to get going if it's not the music I normally listen to... I enjoyed some time on the dance floor. Local DJ did a great job...kept everyone going with mostly old hits...but enough current, or more current music to keep things moving. We stayed until the end...then ventured over to The Monkey Bar where we crashed the Palm Bay High Class of 1988 Reunion. Their band was playing my kind of music!
Our friend Heather was there with her husband.
 Originally I had made a tentative plan with my friend Karen, Al, her cousin Rob and son David to meet up there if I needed to escape the Mel-Hi reunion...then I found out Heather & Chris would be there at her things worked out well. We stayed at Monkey Bar until closing...can't remember the last time I did that! Danced (we danced more than the kids at the reunion I might add...hahah). John & I, our friend Kemp...who first crashed the  Mel High's reunion...then joined us at the Palm Bay High party. we had fun...the band Rock Candy was great...lots of Alternative 80's music. It was a bit loud...but what the heck...
Sunday morning we slept in a little...and then used some of the Biofreeze on our sore muscles...hahah

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