Sunday, October 27, 2013

Silver Run Falls

After our hike down to High Falls...we stopped for lunch at Lulu"s in Silva. Ken and Sandy were just arriving in town for the we met up with them there. We all enjoyed a tasty lunch and a glance in a few shops downtown, then we headed back to the house.

The next day we decided to venture to Silver Run Falls. We took it easy in the morning. Had a late breakfast, relaxed and then packed up for our outing. Sandy wasn't feeling too great, so she stayed in the car while we hiked down to the falls.
Bill had whipped quickly into the last available spot on the side of the road. When we got back from the falls we realized how close the front tire was to the edge of the road...we decided not to tell Sandy  since she was sitting there the whole time...haha

Sandy rested...we set off down the trail...which was much less strenuous than the first one. Just a nice little walk down to the falls, a few steps here and there ... but nothing too steep.
As you can see in this was another beautiful ,bright, sunny day (cue Goldilocks soundtrack) (Brenna and Megan know what I'm talking about...haha) Inside joke was a beautiful day...I liked the reflection in the water and the shadows happened to be in the I thought it was kind of a fun picture.
We were able to get right down at the base of the falls...(actually you could at High Falls as well, but only John went all the way down to the water there)
Kathie took this photo...captured the rays of sun coming down...kind of cool. We look liked we vaporized and appeared on the spot don't we...hahah
Ken hopped the rocks over to the opposite side to get a few photos. It was a nice little spot down there. A few other people around. We all agreed it might be a nice spot for a picnic. was the leaves on the rocks at Silver Run Falls
From this spot we went to the public park in Cashiers to see the Dahlias. I'll post pictures of them next time.

1 comment:

  1. You do look like you vaporized...especially considering what you are wearing does not look appropriate for hiking.
