Friday, April 26, 2013

One has left the nest...

We had two was a bit bigger than the other
 The big one seemed like it was raring to go...started walking farther out on the "branch"...flapping the new wings a little. Little one seemed pretty content to just sit and ventured out a bit...but never too far.
 we lost track of the bigger one...I think it flew off into the side yard by our neighbor's gate...I kept trying to listen for it...because I saw the two big birds going back and forth to the same area. Never did spot it. Meanwhile John was wondering why no one was coming by to feed the little one...I told him he was scaring them off...since he was sitting facing the front window, when he moved...Mama came back with some worms and bugs. every so often she'd come up to the window and try to scare us by flapping her wings.

Here's little one and Mama on the right
Little one stayed out there all day...moved around a bit...but mostly stayed put. Flapped it's wings a bit...but that's about it.
Our boat mechanic told us there are two different nests across the canal from his house. A nest of Blue Herons and some Eagles. That would be fun to watch! (little baby cool would that be???)
My trees have a few fronds that are browning...the flowers are a little unwieldy and the bougainvillea has parts just waiting to be trimmed back...but I don't want to scare the birds... or get pecked!so as soon as little one leaves the nest...I'll go trim up my plants.

1 comment:

  1. I want to see the pictures of her flapping trying to scare you away
