Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Sunday

The day started off with an early morning walk...where we crossed paths with some of the 2400 (!) runners in the Melbourne and Beaches Marathon. The half marathoners were about 1/2 way through their course and the full marathoners were on their second "loop". You could kind of tell who the serious runners were...the skinny, but muscled people...they all looked like they were moving along at a pretty good pace when we saw them run by between mile markers 20 & 21.( We knew it was the group going for the long haul...because we saw our friend Angela go by.)
While they ran on, we went to have breakfast...haha It was chilly this I was wearing my long sleeved Steelers t-shirt. We were in line at the Blueberry Muffin when our friend Lynn said "It's Super Sunday! Who're you rooting for?" I said "The Steelers!" The girl next to me in line had on a team team too...she said "The Bears!" John said "The Dolphins!" Guy two down said "The Chargers!"...and we all laughed. So who are we rooting for...who knows...I think I'm leaning towards The Ravens (they beat my team after all...) It reminds me of the year the Steelers really wanted to win it for Jerome Bettis who was retiring. The Ravens have  been lucky...and sometimes that luck is just what it takes to put you over the top.
(and I liked the story I heard on NPR this week when Jacobi Jones' mother made a New Orleans style lunch (dinner?) for 150 team members this past week. (because Jerome Bettis's mother did the same thing one year when The Steelers were in Detroit.(speaking of did he NOT get in the Hall of Fame?????)
Well...the Ravens WON and what a great game to watch! Beyonce had a cool half time show...that light display was AMAZING ....but I personally think maybe that's what caused the power outage...hah.
 I've had a song on my mind lately...for some unknown reason...Pat Travers- "Boom Boom...Out go the Lights"...maybe it was a premonition...haha. That was definitely a strange twist.....thought it was going to cost the Ravens the game...but they pulled off the win in perfect style...with skill and lots of luck...which is fitting since that's how they got to the Super Bowl in the first place!
The best part of the night was a visit from Chuck and Pat. It was GREAT to see Pat out of the house. She is in a battle for her life right now...and chemo is taking it's toll. Her cancer is kind of a rare form of Lymphoma...and aggressive...but she was in good health before it hit and the doctors have been able to be aggressive in fighting the cancer. That's great...but it's not easy....even for someone who was strong to begin with. I've been sending notes and cards...but this was the first time I've seen Pat since it all started and it was so nice to see her. I know it was not easy for her to agree to join us...but Gayle assured her the group would be small and we would all wash our hands and keep our distance as needed...and she hesitated at first...but she came! We were happy and I think she was too. So for me that was the biggest win of the night!

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