Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Weekend of familly and fun

Our neighbor's house-best decorations in the neighborhood...haha  

The month is winding down and Christmas is right around the corner. We enjoyed stopping by our friend's house last night for their annual Eggnog party. It was fun as usual. The weather was perfect...kind of chilly...but clear skies...just like I like it. We arrived at their house as the annual neighborhood  boat parade was finishing up...that would have been fun to watch but we did see the last of the boats pulling into their respective docks.

 The party is always a nice one...lots of tasty food and drinks. we originally met them when John did a big job for them about 12 years ago. John and Don hit it off...and we've been friends ever since. Mary and John share the same birthday. (12/20) It's also great to see the friends . Most of them are a few years older than John and I...but lots of fun...and it's great because whatever we are experiencing at the time...more than likely they've been through it with their kids/family, etc. Last night we got to talk weddings...that was fun.
One friend Kathy K. had a daughter who got married about 6 months ago. I enjoyed hearing Kathy's stories about the planning, decorations, guest list dilemmas, etc. She is from a family of 8? or 9 girls...just with her family they had 80 people...hahah...and they made it I'm sure we will too. The place they held the reception was one we had it was good to hear the good/bad about it. In the end they had a wonderful time...and I know we will too. It's a great group of friends they have...reminds me of the "gang" my parents had...lots of similarities.  And they too all started out at Our Lady of Lourdes church...haha

 Today we got together with David, Paul, Bridget , Rob and Shane to celebrate Shane's 14th birthday...which we all unfortunately thought was his 13th...oops. we had a big 13 on the cake...he looked at it funny...Brenna thought it was put in wrong...then he told me .."Aunt Anne. I'm 14! Not 13!" Like I said...OOOPS! At least the cake tasted good.
 We combined the celebration with an afternoon of watching football at a local place that is popular with Dolphin fans...they were happy with the outcome of their game...but unfortunately they didn't make it to the post season...because the teams that needed to win/lose...whatever...didn't. They looked pretty good though. (Maybe there's hope for next year.) Reid, Chandler and Reid's father -in-law and his wife stopped by briefly...then went to another place where Reid would be able to watch his Green Bay Packers win. It was a BEAUTIFUL day...and we had a good time together. I think Shane enjoyed his 13th 14th birthday!

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