Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A day off

I had the day I spent it trying to get organized...and made some progress weeding through piles of catalogs, papers and cards...some from last year....that I've decided I really CAN live without saving. Have to make room for the ones arriving now....I have butter sitting out ready to be added into some recipe or another...still haven't figured out what I'm making.
I read to Amy's class today...that was fun. They liked the three books I brought. Christmas Magic by Michael Garland. Cute story about a magical Christmas Eve when the snowmen come to life, the mice are in the kitchen baking, the stockings are forming a chorus line, the angel figurines are flying around, etc. The class seemed to like the idea of such magic fun.  (snowman below is not the one from the book...but he's cute! haha)
Next was Santa Mouse and the Ratdeer by Thatcher Hurd. I've mentioned this one's funny and a cute story...the kids get a kick out of the fact that Santa's in a bad mood and the reindeer are grumbling. They laugh every time! And another favorite that I wrote about last year...The Gingerbread Pirates by Kristen Kladstrup. I LOVE that cute. I think I made them all hungry...each story mentioned cookies and cocoa...they all were ready for a snack when I was leaving...haha Tomorrow I will read Sharing Christmas by Kate Westerlund. It's a nice little story about sharing and caring. The animals are hungry during an especially snowy winter...but they hear bells and follow the sound...and all ends well...but not exactly what you might it and see where the bell sound is coming from. Another cute...but short book is Marmalade's Christmas Present by Cindy Wheeler....for all the cat lover's out there.
A fellow Children's Librarian sent this link to an adorable flannel board story. Dianne was already working on it...and I hope it's done...because I want to use it tomorrow! haha It's about Rudolph and all the different colored noses he tries before he gets to the the right one! Looks perfect for a small group ....they can take turns putting the noses on the board. That should be fun.
I worked on finishing up my Christmas cards...only a handful left to go...the ones that need a little note...I save them for last. It's satisfying to send out a whole big stack....that way I know I'm making progress. Then I can slowly put out a few each day....towards the end of the month.
We got a message from a friend today "We're having a poor people's Christmas Party (from a girl who had a big bash at the Yacht Club a couple of years ago) ...BYOB and bring a dish. Well...that's right up my alley...I told John to write back and say "We're poor...we'll be there"...haha These people always have should be a great time. Tomorrow is already Thursday...this week was quick!...Dinner out to celebrate my birthday...sounds good to me!

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