Saturday, October 13, 2012

WW5K #5

 We weren't sure whether or not we were going to be in
 town or not...but as you can see...we were and we all decided to walk.
 I had on my Gator shirt...Brenna wore her (less popular in these parts) Alabama shirt.
 At the time of the  run/walk Alabama was dominating  in their game with Missouri.
Just before the start of the race...dark clouds were looming in the distance. Actually it appeared that the only storms in Brevard were hanging just around the south beach area. There was no thunder or no one really cared too much. Sure enough right when we began to rain lightly. It was very windy as it actually kept us all cool and comfortable. it was a little rough on the hair...haha I took the lead...but it wasn't long before John and Brenna caught up to me. John and I walked together for the second mile of the race, Brenna promised to find us at the end. :)
 At some point John decided to run a little...I on the other hand really wanted to just see how long it would take me to walk 3.2 miles.
 I reached the finish some time around 44 minutes. Then I walked back to walk in with Brenna.
   The big finish! haha It was kind of funny...people were trying to cheer us on..."Come on you can do it! Keep going!"...I guess they thought if we were walking we had "run out of gas" along the way. I just smiled...why explain..."I'm walking!"...I wasn't even out of breath...but how would they know that.
 Some people wore costumes...this was a crowd favorite...young boy and his parents. He was Batman and his wheelchair/stroller was converted into the "Bat Mobile" His dad was the Riddler...his mom, Cat woman and someone else with them was Bat girl.
 After the race there was a big get-together at Indialantic Shopping Center. Hot dogs, etc from LongDoggers. Candy for the kids who wanted to Trick-or-Treat at the businesses, Bounce Houses, a train (I wanted to ride the train!)Various booths with freebies, music and prizes. It was packed and the kids were loving it...however we wanted to watch football and it was too crowded for we headed up the road to meet Reid, Amy and Chandler for a bite to eat and some football at Coasters.

 It was Brenna's last night be fore heading back to it was kind of fun. Alabama won BIG, the Gators won again, Auburn lost...(yeah!,) and unfortunately LSU beat South Carolina...but that may actually help the Gators in the poll...move us up again....keep  us in the lead in the SEC East.

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