Sunday, October 28, 2012

A weekend away

 We went out of town for a few days last week. We were heading up to Hilton Head with a brief stop in Savannah to check out the place where  Megan and Marcus are going to get married. Our friends Tom and Teresa went John would have someone to golf with; and his wife Teresa wanted someone to join her for a day at the spa...haha. We had a nice, easy drive up 95 to Savannah. When we got to town we were hungry...but we  John didn't want to go all the way into we stopped at a local spot not far from the Mackey House. We joked at first...but then decided to check out The Southern Buffet. We saw a group of law enforcement officers pull up right after us, then a few (what appeared to be) locals...and figured it must be pretty good. It was...not too expensive and pretty tasty. We all agreed it reminded us of "Pop's Casbah" that used to be in downtown Melbourne.Same type building...same type of food...same tasty dessert selections...haha Then it was off for our meeting with one of the owners at the Mackey House. We came down the road....(above)
 and then spotted the house.

We looked around outside and found the spot where Megan wants to have the ceremony. Teresa took John by the arm so he could  "practice" by walking her down the aisle. Then Tom made John pose with he could send it to Megan. (she thought we were all nuts)

We checked out the outdoor covered pavilion.
Then followed the walkway back to the house and went up to the front porch.

What a great porch!                                                                                                                         
 Then we got to see the back deck/pool area where the dancing will be. (most important part...haha)  They have an acrylic cover for over the pool...for more dance room. Plenty of room for tables and chairs, etc. Small screened area off to the side.                                     

 Then we checked out the inside. The furniture will be removed and the food will be set up  in these areas.
 This room is also for food/drinks, etc. Tom and Teresa acted like part of the party.
 We looked at the Bride's room and the Groom's room.(they were downstairs)

 Nice flowers at the bottom of the front entrance. Good place for pictures.
 Another view of the place as were were heading out.
                              I think it's going to work out nicely...we are looking forward to it!

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