Sunday, September 2, 2012

weekend end wrap-up

 This has been a long week. It started with Hurricane Isaac heading towards the west coast of Florida. Since it was veering ... west, we didn't think it would cause too many problems for us...and we were happy. However we ended up getting a LOT of rain. At one point when I was driving to work in a torrential downpour..(.the kind where you can't see anything and you just pray the other drivers on the road aren't going to do anything stupid ) I was wondering what the heck was going on. I expected we would have some rain...but not that much! I looked at the radar (after I dashed into work, trying not to get completely drenched)and saw the skies were clear over Tampa...but the entire coast of Brevard County was covered in heavy clouds and rain. (a thick red line on the radar)...and it rained all afternoon, evening, night. Thunder, lightning and lots of rain. It made for a loooooooooong day.  (Kiena was one unhappy little dog) Things picked up a little on Tuesday; it  was Ron's 40th birthday...and John has been waiting for 5 years to get him with a pie...after Ron got John on his 50th). we all got together at Longdoggers. The plan was for Al to surprise Ron when he least expected it. John in the meantime had a loaded super soaker  ready to spray him with after he got pied.
John sprayed him with the water...and finally felt like he had gotten  his "revenge"
The rest of the week was pretty uneventful...but it seemed long. we had rain off and on for a couple of days and then things finally cleared up. Thursday the sun was out all day. Yeah!I had an appt. scheduled for Friday (since I was off)...but had to reschedule...and actually I was relieved. Instead I spent the day catching up on things around the house and cleaning up.

 Tonight we went out to Devon's house to help him celebrate his 44th birthday. He just put in this summer kitchen out by his pool. Very nice. It has been really hot and humid...but tonight it wasn't so bad. It was very pleasant out by the pool. There were about 12 kids jumping and swimming in the pool...they were having a blast. (and there was not one fighting or complaining)
 There were fruit slushies (above), hotdogs and hamburgers for the kids, fried  (fresh) fish, grilled steak, swordfish and shrimp and scallops on skewers. Also plenty of salads, vegetables and dip, fruit and dip and cake of course! (There were actually about 4 people there celebrating birthdays...Devon, his nephew, two other friends and Ron (again..haha) No one left there hungry...that's for sure! I didn't know that many people there...but met a few new people and did see some old friends. One of them was a girl I used to buy Tupperware from...haven't seen her in over 15 that was fun.
                       Devon was happy because his team won last night! (and they looked good!)
                  We got home before sunset......and saw these nice red and blue skies.

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