Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More heroes and a new goal...

 Last Wednesday we had our second day of "Super Hero Training". We had a new batch of heroes in training...they all had fun.I got to pop in for a few minutes...but was not "allowed" to help this time. Even though Dianne had cleared it with my supervisor...I guess the director got wind of the plan and decided that I was needed more at the front I was told (not by her) that I had to choose either the program or my usual Thursday morning storytime...but I could not do both. Needless to say.....I was a little annoyed. Not once in the 2 months that led up to the program did anyone suggest that my participating in these two programs would cause a problem with scheduling at the front desk. No one ever said anything to Dianne either. The only thing we can figure is that the boss wasn't happy that we made the arrangements without her.. I chose to do my regular program...since we only had two weeks left of our summer schedule (...I'll be out of town the first Thursday in August and the kids here  go back to school August 8th... Several in my group will be starting pre-k or kindergarten... so I didn't want to cancel my regular time with them) I miss being in Youth Services full time...............and I know they were "letting" me have a few extra hours...but I sincerely believe that  my participation in the program for a couple of hours wasn't  really causing any problems keeping the Circulation staffed. There is also the fact that every other Wednesday there doesn't seem to be any problem when one of the Reference ladies is sent over to help with the" Tales to Tail"s program for an hour and a half. I can't help it...that bothers me. (and sometimes I just want to bitch about it...haha)
 I was not happy...but I am (sort of) over it. Turns out ...the day of the program I was told that if it wasn't busy I could go in for a few minutes. This was likely since we had two other people scheduled at the desk that I have no idea what the problem was to begin with...seems obvious to me that it never was a problem! I was glad to go in...but it wasn't quite the same. I was happy to see that we had a nice sized crowd and everyone who came, made a point to tell us how much they enjoyed it.
Now I've decided what I need to do is work at finding a job where I can do more of what I enjoy(ed) doing. I am happier when I am working with the I need to find a way to get back to doing that...instead of pouting about being told that I can't.

                        One " hero" gets ready for the tunnel crawl and another is saving the baby.
                                                             We had lots of strong "men".
                         This little hero walked across the "lava" with the "weights"...haha
                                                      Her brother standing by for his turn.

                 B was very attentive to the baby...made sure she was carefully tucked in...very sweet.

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