Monday, July 16, 2012

How's it look??????

 This afternoon we got a little bit of rain. Around 2:30pm if someone were to ask "How's it look outside?" I t would depend on where you looked out. (haha...couldn't resist) If you were on the porch looking out to the looked like this....not bad.......................However..........
Luckily I was done with my bike ride and all my errands. It got pretty dark...there was thunder...but all in all it was not too bad. we have had times when it rained in the front yard...but not the both parts of the yard got some.

Last week we started out having two dinners with friends... , I had a Pampered Chef party on Wednesday with a few friends. ....then the week ended just like it began. Friday night Charlie and Gayle invited us over for * hors d'oeuvres and wine; followed by a trip to Lou's Blues. All I can say is it was interesting. I enjoyed the company...C & G, Sean and Nancy...and a few other friends we ran into while there (a group from Mel High was celebrating their 30 yr reunion.) The band, Absolute Blue was pretty good....sounded good....but the lead singer sounded too much like the singer in ACDC...and I just couldn't get past his voice. (that guy always creeped me out..."Dirty deeds...done dirt cheap...". He just sounds creepy.) Gayle, Charlie, John and Sean all danced...Nancy and I watched from the balcony...I just never heard the right song to get me going...hahah...or maybe I just didn't have enough champagne! I was the driver for the least for John and I It was a night out......don't know if that would be my first choice of venues for future nights out.....but it did make me think we need to have a party or arrange to play our music again somewhere...Heather, Mike and I have talked about this a few times since my birthday I'm not the only one! hahaha
Saturday night John invited our friends Art and Gayle over for some fish. we haven't really seen them since Laura's we needed to catch up. Gayle brought over some Lemoncello liquer, and  vodka so we could make some champagne cocktails. I passed on the vodka...but the lemon/champagne mix was good. Gayle might've regretted bringing it...because I talked her ear off...hahah. Really we all talked...and it was nice to catch up. I got a nice little "buzz" from the drink..and I didn't have to drive anywhere...and  I had NO headache the next day! So...after all that Sunday seemed kind of quiet...but it was a good week.

*whenever anyone says hors d'oeuvres it reminds me of when I worked at Meadowlane Library years  (like 30 years) ago. At the time it was a staff of me, Patti, Dottie and Mary...and that was it. Dottie was an older of a know-it all but the kind that really DOESN"T know it all. She used to call people to remind them about their overdue books. One day she was making her calls and Patti and I heard her say "Hello Mrs. ______, I'm calling to let you know you have a book on hors d'oeuvres out overdue"..(.or something along that line) The only problem is when she said the name of the book she pronounced it Oh dee O vrahs.
Patti and I both glanced over..."What the heck?"...then we just had to laugh...I can only imagine what the patron thought. I still laugh every time I hear the word!

And now on a completely unrelated note...Brenna was babysitting today and had to pick up one of the girls at the local school. While waiting  on a bench at the front of the school... another child's grandma started chatting. She mentioned that they had been at a Republican picnic (Brenna inwardly groaned...haha that's my girl!) and that there had been an Elvis impersonator. (even worse...haha)...then the woman said...well not really...he wasn't dressed up... but you could tell that he was an Elvis look alike...because he had the big sideburns and the hair. When she told her little (6?7?yr old) grand daughter "Look there's Elvis".
The little girl responded...."That's impossible."
 Grandma "Why?"
Little girl "Because he's dead. He died on the toilet."       Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
How do 7 yr olds even know stuff like that??
Then she asked her grandma how someone could die on the toilet...grandma said "I don't know...why don't you go ask him."

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