Sunday, June 24, 2012

It's a winner!

 It's a rainy Sunday morning...not much happening here....but out in Des Moines, Iowa.... David and Paul are at the Des Moines Arts Festival having a good time. David told me the people are all super friendly, polite and just NICE. They are staying with some locals and really enjoying meeting everyone. And on top of that he won a Merit Award (one of only 10 total awards). I guess when he got the award...the presenter told him "This is called a Merit Award, but it's really the second best prize in this show. It would be equivalent to a First Place.....which is very cool.
David's art work
Last year at the Cherry Creek Art show (where they are heading next weekend), David had someone who was really interested in this piece....the debate was on...should he sell it...keep it. Selling it would force him to create a new piece and bring in a lot of money...but this piece always draws a crowd to his booth, wherever he he would lose that advantage. He has won awards on this piece in Chicago, Maitland, and now in Des Moines. That's good...but I guess this means he won't be selling it any time soon...hahah

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