Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's been an interesting week. Stormy weather...sunny mornings, rainy afternoons...not too bad really. Enough sun to make me happy...get a walk or a bike ride in...then rain to keep the grass green. Of course...lately the grass is REALLY growing...have to mow it twice a week..(.makes me think the drought wasn't so bad....hahaha) Then there was one day lost to a headache. Woke up at 4:00am...with a terrible headache...and nothing I took made it go away. Aggggh...haven't had one of those in a while. I have no idea what I did/ate/whatever to get that. You lose a whole day...I did have Kiena and Haze keeping me company...woke up at one point and Haze was on the bed, Kiena next to it. Kiena stayed with me all day long.... I think it's nice how pets do that! I started moving around at about 4pm...managed to take the dog around the block...and do my exercises for the day...that's about it. John got me some soup, a salad and some tasty bread from Panera...ate that slowly...and then the day was over. This morning I was almost 100%...had a good Storytime program with cute kids and moms. Three of the moms had new 2 week old, 1 -3 week old and one- 1 month old. Everyone participated when we moved along to the story "We're Going on a Bear Hunt". That was fun. We had stories about "scary" things...but not too scary...I didn't want to traumatize anybody...hahah. I had a late when Brenna got back in town from a meeting in Miami...we decided to go get something to eat. We headed out...trying to decide where to go...meanwhile we were driving into a major/lightning and thunder storm...I felt like we were on Storm Chasers or something. There was so much lightning that we did turn around and head back towards home. We opted for a new Thai Fusion place that recently opened...those kind of places usually have a pretty extensive menu...we'd be able to find least that's what we figured...haha. We rain through the rain to enter...and found ourselves in the place that could easily seat 75/100 people...I'm guessing...but it's pretty big. Well...we were the only ones in the whole place.( hummmmmmm we were wondering if that was a bad sign...hahaha)There was some guy playing a keyboard over in the back corner (for the staff?) and I was seriously wondering if we were making a big mistake. The guy was playing a BeeGees song..."Staying Alive" (trying to stay afloat...haha) all was a little strange...but I felt like we HAD to stay at this point. So "Eddie" (I think) serenaded us while we ate....I had some good Chicken Fried Rice and Brenna had a Udon(sp?) Noodle soup with tempura vegetables and shrimp. It was good...a few other people wandered we didn't feel so strange in this huge room with the guy singing in the corner ...haha..he moved on from the BeeGees to Lionel Richie...he actually sounded pretty good...but somehow it just didn't all add up...haha I told Brenna he was probably a big draw with the retirees on Friday and Saturday was kind of like being in some sort of time warp....but at least the food was tasty and reasonably priced. All in all...not a bad experiance...just a strange one. Luckily the headache is gone...the rain has stopped...and I have some leftovers for lunch. Now I'll have to rustle up some Bee Gees music to play while I eat...hahaha

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