Sunday, May 6, 2012

Amanda's celebration!

John left for the Bahamas early Friday morning. He, Charlie and Shane are hoping to come back with some fish...specifically some Yellowfin Tuna! Luckily for me...even though he was gone...I had plans for Friday night.
Amanda just earned her Nursing Degree and the Roy's were having a celebration in her honor. (Mike is like me...always looking for an excuse to have a get-together) A party at their house means lots of fresh fish and plenty of good food. And friends.
Mike grilled a variety of fish and had Chris man the fryer. I opted for the fried...I know the grilled is better for you...but that fresh fried fish is soooo good. Tim had some of his specialty Venison poppers....marinated venison wrapped around a jalapeno pepper and cooked on a hot grill.( I have tried them...and it was better that I had expected...but one was enough for me.....since I am not really a fan of jalapenos or venison)
All of Denise's sisters were there as well as her that was nice for Amanda. (Mike's reltives were all at the last gathering a couple of weeks ago)
Amanda did very well in all her classes and she has a job lined everyone is very proud of her. It was great to be part of the celebration.
I made Banana bars and Christmas Crunchies. (Amanda said she liked I chose that recipe) I am happy to report that more than one person came up to me and said..."I think that might be the best cookie I have ever eaten!" As you can see...I'm still sort of redeeming myself from the cheese wafer/mistaken cookie incident. hahaha

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