Monday, March 26, 2012

Winter Wonderland

It snowed all night and when we woke up it was a wintry wonderland. Very quiet...just a few birds...still no bears...haha

remember that little tree out back? was transformed. Since I still had a (kind of) hurt knee...I decided against walking around too much in the and pine cones all on the ground, covered in snow, could have been hazardous...
we did walk back down to the beach...because now the sun was out...and we wanted to check out the lake again. In case anyone was interested in swimming.....haha
Look at the beach now

powdery snow...but John tried again to make a snowball...if you got snow really close to the was a little moist.
you can't have all that snow and not at least try to make a snowman.

I didn't make a snowman...but I did get a little corny
Here's the park after the snow
My friend Leigh ann told us to check out this local spot. We went for lunch the first day...and back for breakfast the next. It kind of reminded me of Pop's Casbah, a local spot that used to be in downtown Melbourne.
the backyard of the condo now covered in snow
The condo owner told us there was a sled in the garage and if we were interested we could head over to the Country Club golf course and do some of course we did. (John was very tempted to go snowboarding at Diamond Peak with 2 feet of fresh snow...but he knew I couldn't ski with my hurt he went sledding with me instead. (after all we were there "celebrating" our 30th anniversary...he didn't want to take me all the way to Tahoe, then ditch me to go do his own thing...haha)
John only tried this once....I told him he was going to break his neck...then we'd both be hurt...also didn't want to give the local kids any bad ideas! haha

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