Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Monday was the first day of skiing for John, Marcus and I. The weather was great...cold but clear skies and sunshine. Not all of the slopes were open...because of the amount of snow...but we got to try a few different lifts.
We warmed up on the runs from the #5 lift...then headed over to the Snowkirk Lift. Some of my favorite runs are over there. It wasn't too icy
so that was good. Limited...but fun.
Anne, Ian, (little) Maris, Gannon, Maris and Tony
We tried a few different runs and had fun until lunch time.This is the view from our condo.
After lunch we went up lift #6 to some more advanced (faster) runs. The nice thing about being with a group is that there is always someone to ski with. Martha always beat me down the slopes...Megan followed her...and I brought up the rear. The other kids were faster and more adventurous than I wanted to be. Marcus too...he likes to go fast. The snowboarders found a few little jumps that day...some tried the terrain park...we all had fun. One of the best things NO LINES all day long. we skiied up and down and NEVER waited in line once.

We all went in for lunch and then skiied until the lifts closed. They closed at 4:00pm...we were usually heading up for our final run at 5 or 10 till.
That night we ate dinner and had game time.
We played a few variations of Buzz Word
you had to act out your clues
oops...this one is out of order!

some were better than others

But we all had fun!

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