Friday, March 30, 2012

Laura Topp's wedding

I'm still running about a week behind...but last Saturday we attended Art and Gayle's daughter's wedding in Vero Beach. Art and John have known each other since 1st or 2ND naturally Laura and Brenna have been friends since day one.
Laura went to Eau Gallie High...Brenna went to Melbourne they each had a different circle of friends, but they've always remained in touch with one another. Brenna was pleased to be asked by Laura to be a bridesmaid. We booked a room at the hotel Costa de Este...which is where the reception was going to take place. (no need to drive anywhere!) The weather for the weekend was PERFECT!(...well...a tad windy...but otherwise perfect.)
After a wild trip home...canceled flights, missed connections, etc...Brenna ended up changing plans and landed in West Palm Beach instead of Orlando. She managed to set up a car rental en route...and arrived to find a van waiting for her. The clerk told her "It will hold all your stuff!"...that was great...except all her stuff was on the other plane..haha She did have a sundress and the bridesmaid dress with her...she brought them with her down to Vero Beach on Friday night. The rest of her things were delivered by Delta directly to the it all worked out.
We arrived Saturday early afternoon. In time to check out the preparations.

Gayle's sister-in-law Nancy joked that Gayle was like an addict without drugs...when they told her she was not allowed to take ANY pictures during the ceremony! She took plenty before and at the reception...haha
The ceremony was at the Riverfront park in Vero Beach. I had never been to that was huge!...They had reserved one area with a large Gazebo (with one smaller one one each side)
Art and Laura walking up the "aisle"
Laura and Frankie walking back.

Lindsey (the brides sister) and A.J. - Frankie's son)
Brenna & Christy & ?
the flower girls...they were cute...on the way "up" they were tossing the petals around like crazy...they all ran out long before they got close to the was kind of pouting about it...haha
back at the hotel they had an open bar for an hour...while the photographer(s) finished up. When the group got back...Gayle was armed and ready with her camera...took this nice shot of us.
pretty flowers
Lindsey and Brenna...(Brenna was in between Laura and Lindsey they are all about 1 year apart) I think
Laura and her mom, Gayle
Gayle made a nice video for the bride and's a picture of her and Lindsey watching it. It was a little long...but then again Laura and Frankie have been dating since Laura turned 21...she'll be 28 in May. It was nicely done...Gayle is good at that...and we all know there was no shortage of pictures! haha
Brenna with Frankie and Laura at the reception.
Glenn and Cathy's daughter was also in the wedding...she and Laura went to school together and were good friends for many years.
three of the bridesmaids
There was lots of dancing...the DJ was great. Once he got people going...he kept things moving...I didn't know all the music...but he made it fun...and again kept the momentum going. He did a great job. I have been to other receptions where I knew and liked all or most of the music (Brittany and Zach) and we ALL danced and had fun...but I have also been to some where I didn't really know the music and the DJ was terrible...I won't mention any names... I just liked the way this guy mixed up the music a bit...but played mostly what the bride and groom wanted and managed to keep everyone happy. (maybe the older old folks got left out...there wasn't much slow dancing going on)
Art and John. Art was glad to not be responsible for anything else at that point...haha...and John was saying something like "One down and one to go."

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