Monday, March 19, 2012

another Monday ...

It's another Monday here...but this has been a little out of the ordinary. We just spent the last 10 days on vacation...and got home from Tahoe this morning. We started the week in Kirkwood ,Ca with my sister Martha, Tony and Ian, Tony's sister Maris and her daughter Maris and her friend Gannon. Megan and Marcus joined us too. They all left for home on Friday...while John and I drove to Incline Village, Nevada recommended by a friend) for the last two nights of out trip.However...our trip home from Nevada began yesterday afternoon at 1:00 pm. We checked out of our condo we had rented for two days and started the trip over the mountain into Reno. Snow tires or chains were John got those on, we packed up and drove up the mountain into a winter wonderland..( we had gotten about 10 inches of snow the night before...and more snow was falling). We took it slow and easy and finally got into Reno....where our trip home began. We flew from Reno to Salt Lake City, Utah. which I have to say...from the air...why do people want to live in that gray, brown, bleak place????...but back to the story .
From Salt Lake City we had to fly to Los Angeles, CA.....sort of like one step forward, two steps back that saved us approx $800.00!...then finally at 11:55pm...we boarded our flight to Orlando! I did manage to doze off a few times..(.and the medicine I got from my Dr makes this kind of travel so much better for anxiety!)...but we landed in Orlando at 7:30 am...and felt like I was in a time warp. Not to mention the cold I picked up somewhere along the way...felt fine the whole trip...yesterday morning the sneezing started, stuffy, then runny nose...lovely! The descent into STL City and then again into Orlando...was very hard on my left ear...I felt like one of those little babies...but I didn't cry...I just put pressure on it and counted the minutes till we landed. Mark M picked us up and drove us home...where we both promptly tried to go to sleep! John closed the windows and doors...he fell asleep in one room. I unpacked a few things, took and Alka Seltzer Plus and soaked in a hot Epsom salt Bath! and then fell asleep myself.....tonight we are both going to bed early!...and when I am more with it...I'll share some photos and stories from the trip. We had a great time!

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