Friday, March 2, 2012

All In A Day's Work....

Every so often some one asks me "How stressful can it be working at a Library?" and to answer that question I will tell you about a patron I dealt with yesterday. But day started out great with my usual Story Time program. I had some of my regular little friends and then we had a visit from a local pre-school. Sometimes when a big (17 kids and 5 adults) come to regular kiddies don't know how to react...they are kind of used to our little group...but yesterday they did great! No one seemed to mind all the extra folks...which was a good thing...because we were celebrating Dr. Seuss. I love his wacky books...but most of them are a little long and I didn't want the kids to get restless. I finally settled on 3 titles..."Happy Birthday to You", "A Wocket In My Pocket" and "I Wish I Had Duck Feet". I only read part of the first book...but enough to get the story and reading Duck Feet last was PERFECT!...they all sat quietly and they even clapped when I was done. we watched "Green Eggs and Ham" and then we made little blue"hats" with Seuss-like fish on them.
After ST it was out to the front desk where things were going along just fine for most of the day and then my LAST patron of the day (thank goodness) was a woman a few years older than me. She came to pick up a book she had requested...however she could not find her card. I asked for her Driver's license...
OK but it's from out of state. (just a little side she's getting out her DL I notice her 1 1/2 inch nails painted black...sort of like talons...they were awful!)
No long as you're in the system I should be able to find your card #.
Ooops...looks like your card has expired. I can't check anything out to you until we update the card.
What do you need?
Looks like last time you brought in a lease agreement, we can use that, unless of course you own the property.
Why didn't anyone tell me that??????
Ma'am I'm not sure who you talked to
They told me to bring in my driver's license, if I knew I needed that lease I would've brought it. (note...she's getting a little worked up at this point)
Well, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do.. mean I can't have the book!!!!????
No, I'm sorry...(showed her the brochure again that explains what we need). I'm really sorry...I don't know who you talked to...
EITHER do I...I wish I did...because if I did I would like to strangle her...I would like to strangle her and cut her up into 24,000 pieces!
(to myself...okay this lady is definitely nuts)
(to her) Ma'am I'm really sorry..
This is ridiculous...I'm leaving and I am never coming back here...I don't even want the stupid book.
well, I'm sorry...but remember if you decide to go to another library, keep in mind we all have the same requirements.

Okay...glad she left the building...wasn't looking for anyone to strangle......

Next gal came to the desk...smiled at me and said "How are you doing today?"
"Oh I'm doing just great"
to myself
(Thank God I am getting out of here!)
...mainly because a person like that just throws your whole day off...and it's hard to get back on track and concentrate...since I was leaving I could call people and vent a little, turn the music on and UP, roll the windows down and remember what a lovely day it was)

So just remember...98% of our patrons are normal happy people...but DO we have our share of weirdos!

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