Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Am I a saint? or just stupid?

"You have the patience of a saint"....I can't tell you how many times I've heard that over the years. A few stand out...once when dealing with the Brownie troop...haha and another when I "taught" I use that term loosely 5th grade CCD. I had about 25 kids...about 20 of them were boys and they all had way too much energy...haha One kid in particular drove me crazy...unfortunately he also was the one that usually could answer the questions I asked. When the priest dropped in on our class one day and asked the kids "What do you think of your teacher?"...that kid spoke up right away "She's very patient!"Okaaaaaaay.(I used to think to myself..."Why am I doing this? I could be at home drinking coffee, reading the newspaper." haha) So I guess it's a good thing...but sometimes being patient almost makes me feel a little ridiculous...for instance
Sunday I decided I was going to Macy's to buy myself some new make-up. I had been thinking about going ever since I came home from work one day and realized that my make-up foundation...not much else was giving me a sort of orangey glow....yikes...I was hoping none of the patrons were looking at me closely enough to see this! I was putting it off...but decided that an offer from Lancome was good incentive to just go get some new foundation. I unfortunately arrived right after a woman, her daughter, grand-daughter and great granddaughter all got there. "Mom" was getting some new concealer. There was only one girl working at the counter...and I wasn't sure what exactly I I didn't mind waiting my turn.Well...once she decided on a new concealer...daughter suggests she get some foundation while she's at it."Mom" hems and haws...decides that's not a bad idea but doesn't remember what color she's currently they go through the process of figuring that out. Meanwhile daughter and clerk smile and apologize to me...I smile back..."No problem...I'm not really in a hurry." Other clerks from other counters come over to help...but again..I'm not sure exactly what I I wait. Meanwhile great granddaughter is whining for some lip gloss, granddaughter is attempting to get daughter to buy her some earrings on display across the isle and daughter in her tight leopard print tank top...that shows off her various tattoos (okay the fact that I am sharing this detail proves that I am NOT a saint...haha)is giving mom advice and going over to try on earrings herself. And I am still this point I'm getting a little frustrated...but I've waited this long...why leave now...and I know myself well enough to know that if I leave I won't come back...and I really do need the make-up., concealer, eye shadow and lip gloss's finally time for "Mom" to check out. Now they are tracking down the lip gloss color that great granddaughter has her eye's not available so they have to match it to something that is. They finally find it...I've meanwhile talked to complained to Brenna on the phone...also talked to John--- "Where are you?" and more than one clerk has come over and said..."You're still waiting?" I'm still trying smiling. I just want the damn make-up....and when one tells me I have the patience of a saint...I think...yes either that or I'm an idiot...but what the hell. After "Mom" decided to apply for a Macy's charge card...and got rejected incidentally...and finally paid...the girl helped me find my color. I almost lost it when daughter found out the card application did not get approved and could use my Macy's charge...I almost jumped her...haha...luckily "Mom" declined. All along I told myself...the clerk was just doing her job...trying to keep the customer happy...and really...her job is to sell the products so she certainly wouldn't discourage her from buying one of everything (almost) it wasn't her fault. I really didn't have anything better to do...but I was starting to feel a little I don't know...patience is good...but mine was getting tested. The good thing is that if anyone is keeping track of these things...I'm looking pretty good for sainthood...haha

1 comment:

  1. hmmm, I would have gone to a different counter. I wear organic makeup that I buy time we'll get you that.
