Monday, January 9, 2012

Play Off Sunday

I have always enjoyed watching football and when your team is winning the's even better! This football season we have had so much fun watching the Broncos and Tim they somehow made their way to the Playoffs. Unless you have been living in a know the story and just watching one unlikely win after another...has been a blast. Talk about exciting! And then you factor in a fan like Al at LongDoggers...and it just makes it even more fun.
Each week the fan base got bigger and bigger...most people who have been around here for any length of time are Dolphin fans...there are lots of Steeler fans in the area and New England has a pretty good following...since 1/2 the people here came from somewhere up north. The Broncos have never been a big draw...until they drafted former UF player Tebow. Because even if you weren't a fan of the were curious to see how he'd do.
Al happened to get tickets to the first improbable win... so we all went to LongDoggers to watch that game and look for him on TV. We cheered every time we saw Al, Grayson and Al's sign(pictured below)......and it just grew from there. Watching him watch Tebow and the Broncos pull off their string of last minute wins was as much fun as watching the game!
The last couple of weeks the group that frequents LongDoggers asked Al if they could have a tailgate party before the game. Last week (when the Broncos lost :( ) was the first one. There were oysters, clams, shrimp, brats, burgers and beer. The game was a disappointment...but then the Broncos managed to get into the playoffs it was time to start planning
for this (past) week's tailgate. It was a perfect day...(check out the shorts and flipflops on January 8th!) More shrimp (Duane), more oysters(Mark), wings (Glenn), brats (??) chips, drinks, cake (who else? haha) and beer (Al). And best of all.... FISH, mostly from John, and more from Ron(some from Reid and Chandler and Chuck too) The kitchen cooked it in Al's batter....and it was good. As each batch came out everyone ate up!
If you watched the game you know how it went...Pittsburgh went up 6 -0, then the Broncos scored and then they took the lead.Pittsburgh (with a limping team I must say)came back to tie it up...and then that one great pass and touchdown run in overtime.
The place went wild...cow bells, Al on the horn...and everyone getting caught up in the celebration.
we had a blast...and since they won we are going to do it all again next week.....

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