Monday, October 24, 2011

Race Day

Okay so I'm a week behind...time just got away from me this past week. Here's the photos from the(4th annual) Witch Way 5k. Pre race activities at Nance Park in Indialantic.
Only Al... would want tocould pull this he is in his super duper racing suit.
The race started at 5th Avenue...down by Starbucks.The runners naturally took off leaving the slower runners and walkers behind. We over heard one group of adults and young (5-6 yr olds) the mom was saying "Slow and steady...don't rush." John piped up "I can guarantee you that by mile 2 they will all be going slow and steady'" hahaha
some racers and spectators were in costumes...and some of the walkers/runners sported the "Glow in the dark" t-shirt we got.
The race ended up back at Nance Park...and then it was followed by after race activities at LongDoggers. Al and the committee got the whole Indialantic Shopping Center involved...the businesses stayed open and offered candy to Trick-or-Treating kids. There was live music,a Bounce house, games, booths...lots of food and drink. It was a beautiful evening and lots of fun.
We enoyed hanging out with lots of friends and watching the Gators.........lose. Oh well....
The highlight of the evening was when the Mayor presented Al with a placque and announced that from now on October 15th was to be "AL STEIGINGA DAY".
Al was very pleased to be recognized. He does a lot for the community and with his help the race earned over $20,000!
Oh and by the way...John and I both improved our times...we walked most of the way...jogged through a few intersections and ran the last 1/2 block or so. I had to beat one lady who was ahead of me most of the race...whenever I passed her...she caught up and jogged by me ( there's always at least one...haha)so in the end I decided I was determined to beat Lady Gaga (her T shirt)...and I did. She actually came up to John and I afterwards and said we were good motivation for her...we kept her at a good pace. That's my job! hahah :)

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