Wednesday, August 3, 2011

North Carolina!

A week ago John and I were on our way to North Carolina. John's brother invited us up for the Member-Guest Golf Tournament again this year.
We flew into Atlanta and then got a car and hit the road towards Cashiers, NC. We hadn't seen Bill, Kathie and Sandy (John's sister who drove down from TN) since last July. It was warm as far as NC goes...but it felt great to me! Cool in the mornings (kind of like Denver actually)and while it did get was still cooler than Indialantic!
The area where they have their house is really nice. I love all the trees, the birds, the flowers. We had a great time.
The first night was the partner pairing party. They had the party down at the Landings which is on the lake front. It is really beautiful. The food was great...sushi, grilled steak, lamb, chicken and vegetables, vegetables, dip, fruit, desserts...lots of tasty food. We enjoyed the food and a few glasses of wine/beer/whatever. It was a pleasant evening.
Friday night after the golf matches and shopping for Kathie, Sandy & I...John cooked up some of the fish he brought up with us. He seared some wahoo and grilled mahi. As was great. We had a lot of laughs and enjoyed the evening.

John, Bill & Kathie
And Sandy
The table. Kathie had all kinds of little vases with wild flowers around the house and on the table. Perfect touch.
I got this nightlight for's supposed to look like like fireflies in a jar. I bought it a while tell the truth I was going to give it to her last year...but couldn't find it in the closet ...haha. This week they are expecting their I hope they get a kick out of it. More pictures of course...haha tomorrow.

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