Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friday activities

So after the luncheon and house tour, Kathie, Sandy and I decided we had time to go check out Priscilla's to see if we could make use of our 20% off coupons. haha We arrived to find a free-for-all of sorts going on in the shoe area. Seems everyone else was interested in the same cute shoes we wanted to check out. It was kind of funny.The shoes came in all patent leather, lavender, yellow, black, gray, green...and several colors in suede. The fit was better on the patent leather we all ended up with them. Sandy got green and gray, Kathie got gray and I got these black patent leather ones. We were all in search of comfortable shoes...I stand all day at work...Sandy teaches, so she's on her feet most of the day...and who doesn't want cute comfortable shoes?
Friday night we had planned to attend the BBQ. It was down by the club house...under a great big tent. It's at the top of the the view is great.They also had the "leader" board set up...with the next day's schedule available for the golfers. John and Bill were looking good after the first day of match play. John spent a lot of time looking at the board...Bill finally said "You know that board isn't going to change no matter how long you look at it" haha

More pretty flowers.....on the tables and on the grounds.

After dinner we hopped back on the golf cart and decided to go up to the top of the mountain to watch the sunset. Fortunately the cart made it up the steep parts in spite of the load! hah We went up to hole 13 ???I think. There was a beautiful house up there, they had a party going on...they were out on the porch enjoying the same view that we were. It must be nice to see that every night!
the last bit of color in the sky
The sun set and we took our wild ride back to the house. It was a great day.

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