Sunday, April 10, 2011

Who doesn't love a costume party?

Who doesn't love a costume party????Certainly not a Burton family member!!! haha Last week Brenna got some free tickets to a function at the United States Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Al....costumes were Brenna was in ! Right away she was calling me to decide what she was going to dress up as... maybe Connie Conehead........Judy Jetson......something... which sent her to the stores looking for some sort of inexpensive cape to "Bedazzle" hahahaha (she's always loved that bedazzler thing!...haha)But it's tough to find silver capes in April...haha so she had to think a little harder.
I told her about the time Martha, Dixie and I went to the Mardi Gras Ball (hosted by our church) as Martians when my parents were on the committee and the theme was.... SPACE... of course.. We dressed up just like Martha in this photo( seen at this Halloween party circa 1976!) The night of the Mardi Gras Ball...We drove around in Dixie's car and when we stopped at red lights we rolled the windows down and said "Beep Beep Beeep" and laughed to people in other cars and then we went ot the local 7/11, and Martha and Dixie went in and asked the clerk if they happened to have Moon Pies. HAhahahaha oh...we were easily amused!
Better yet.... she could dress like Elizabeth did at one of our Halloween a piece of Skylab. This was October 1979, and that was the year Skylab was falling from the sky...and no one knew exactly where it was going to case you are too young to remember that little piece of space history. Anyway...Liz put this together...a few NASA stickers, red, white and blue shirt, shorts and tights...a couple of flags and she was good to go. I figured that would get people's attention at the Space and Rocket Center...but Brenna had other plans...haha By the way...the night we had our Halloween party back in wasn't ON Halloween night (it was on the 27th) not everybody was dressed up when we stopped in at the local spot (Mac's 5th Avenue) later that night. There were some other people from another costume party there though...and between the two groups we convinced the owners to have a costume contest. The winner was the one who got the most applause...we had more people in our group than the other group had in it wasn't really fair...haha so lo and behold...Liz was the WINNER! I believe it was a bottle of something...but we didn't really care about that!
Well, Brenna scoured the stores for items that might work for a Conehead...or Judy Jetson....but then decided to be Leela from Futurama. She already had the boots....haha so the rest would be easy and you go

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