Saturday, March 5, 2011

We've had our share of wacky winter weather...cold temperatures, warm temperatures...a week ago it felt like summer already. The last few days it's been warm and very windy
but Spring is in the air! And there are little hints of "spring green" all around.(you know the Crayola color)

you should click on this! (if I do say so myself...haha)

If you click on this to see it up close you can see the green turning pretty.
Flowers waiting to bloom again...although I tend to buy plants that are pretty hardy and bloom often...because I do not exactly have a green thumb!Seeing the oaks trees with their new leaves makes me get stuffed up happy....and I know that spring is on the way.


  1. I think one of the plants might be a fake!? lol

  2. Watch it kiddo! haha No fakes...these are all alive and well...for now.
