Saturday, March 19, 2011

The visit , a party and the big moon

Wednesday I had a furlough day and lots of different plans. First I had plans to go to a monthly luncheon...then I made an appt. and the only time available was I had to cancel on the lunch plans. I then canceled the appt.; and it just so happened that later that evening(Tuesday) my nephew called to say he and some friends were in Orlando and were going to drive over the next day. So...I had a new plan for lunch after all.
I thought that the plan for them to arrive around noon sounded ambitious...but you never know.... However I was right...they arrived closer to 2:00pm. haha
We said hello to David and met his girlfriend Jessica and another friend, Nesa (sp?). We visited for awhile, then drove over to "Uncle" David's house...where Paul and David were getting ready for this weekend's art show in Winter Park, Fl. The girls, David and I ran over to the beach while we waited for the guys to get back to the house. It was a beautiful afternoon in Indialantic! Nesa especially was ready to just stay!(the girls were down on Spring Break from SUNY Cortland) We took some pictures, put our toes in the water and the headed back across A1A to David's. The house was a wreck as usual but I think the girls were intrigued by the art they did see.
After our visit there...we headed to meet John at Longdoggers...aka the local tourist spot...haha.
As luck would have was Steel Drum Night...somehow whenever David B. is in town...if we go to LD...the steel drum guy is there...playing the same old tunes. We just laughed!
After a tasty dinner...we walked over to Moo's...the other required stop for visitors.

The day ended with a nice sunset. I headed off to do a couple of errands...the kids headed back to the beach and the surf shop before heading back to Orlando. We had a nice, short visit.
Saturday from 2-7pm was our friend Brittany's fundraiser party for her mission trip to Africa. Her dad, Mike, cleaned out the freezer and cooked up a bunch of fish and lobster. He made a least 4 batches of his lobster casserole, grilled fresh cobia caught during the past week, fried flounder and various other fresh fish dips and salads.There were hotdogs and hamburgers, people brought salads and fruit, cheese and crackers, etc.I baked up some cookies and pound cake and the party was on! Halfway through the afternoon the pizza place right up the road sent someone over with two large pizzas....they were Good!
Many area businesses and friends donated prizes to be raffled off. Someone gave her handmade necklaces to sell. Add soda, lemonade, beer and water...and it was a party!

It was another picture perfect day and we went a little past the 7pm end time.
Several of us walked across A1A to the beach to watch the big full moon come up. It did not disappoint! You could see cameras flashing from balconies at the condos and hotels all along the beach...haha. We were snapping away too.
The kids had a blast.
I couldn't really capture the picture I wanted...but the moon was full and orange/red and pretty as it came up over the ocean.
We watched awhile and then headed back to the party that was winding down.
Denise has to get up to work EARLY we were trying our best to clear out before it got too late...but it was hard to leave!
As I was saying goodbye...Brittany came into the kitchen to tell her mom she had added up the $ she had taken in from the party and it totaled over $2000.00! She has already met her any money she makes from here on out...will be above and beyond what she needs.
I am so happy it was a success!

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