Saturday, February 5, 2011

Too Much Time

Okay...I've had it. The news people officially have way too much time on their hands as the week leading up to Super Bowl winds down. What is Ben Rothlesberger up to??? What is Dallas going to do about the "debacle" that the weather has caused...and on and on and every other news story. I hate watching the news anymore...they all drive me crazy. "Tweet us" "Send us your comments", etc....then that becomes the "News"...aggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Now that I hear everyone on every station talking about how terrible the weather situation is in Dallas and how how it's going to affect the game and they never should have planned it to be know what I'm talking about if you've listened to any news lately/....and all I can say is....WHAT the &*%^! It's the WEATHER!!!!!!! No one can control it (yet hahaha). It's a huge storm...unlike anything they normally guess's going to throw a wrench in people's plans...but it's not the end of the world. And no amount of reporting is going to CHANGE anything! And the game is going to be played INSIDE the that's not an issue...the playoffs had snowy, messy weather...outside....I'm sure the players can handle it!...they just need to take their time getting to the game! Okay...I's bed time...I should quit ranting and go to bed...but I had to get that off my chest....and my friends probably love that I have a they don't have to listen to me...HAHA

and then on a completely different note......yesterday I issued a library card to a man whose birthday was 12/25/1905!
105! I bet that's a record!

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