Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More Love

I figured there were too many of these letters to quit after just sharing one...so here's another. And....if the scanner doesn't drive me insane trying to figure out exactly HOW to use it...I might put up one a day for the rest of the week.
*Mynew dream is to someday buy a new computer and enroll in a class to learn how to use the D$%# thing without getting so frustrated. I like writing this blog and adding photos, etc. Sometimes I get really aggravated with myself because one day I can do a task...the next I have to remember what/how I did it...because I am the type of person who learns by doing. I can "learn" one time...but unless I keep doing it...I forget some of the steps in the process...and it is very, very frustrating! Maybe this is why I was never good at algebra...haha...among other things. Oh well....I managed to get this letter from the new scanner (knew how to work the old one...haha) to the desktop to the blog...so I'm good for another day and I didn't take waste too much time. Now...I am off to walk the dog. :)

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