Tuesday, February 22, 2011


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MEGAN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! (AND A BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRENNA if I would've figured how to do this two weeks ago...I would have posted yours then...haha

Brenna with her new sister Megan back in 1988

Megan on her 1st birthday...I always thought she looked a lot like that Precious Moments (Patti) doll she got from her Godparents.

Brenna and Megan 20 years ago...when they were 3 & 6.Here they are with their new pet hamsters (do they look excited! haha) "Uncle Mark" (in honor of Uncle Mark) and "Speedy".
Megan's 3rd birthday "Teddy Bear Tea Party" If I remember correctly...the favorite food item was the strawberries and cream!... but check out my teddy bear shaped sandwiches and ice creams!
And here's Brenna in her new car on her first birthday!
Brenna and a friend at her 6th Birthday Luau party. She got that hat at school...and she was SO PROUD of it...she wore it ALLLLLLL day.
Some of the girls with Brenna and Megan posing under the fake Palm Trees...notice how I even put some real palm fronds on the Little Tikes House...so it fit the theme. (I loved planning those parties! haha)
I mean...check out those clothespin "hula girls" I made...( just don't notice the fact that they look like Amazon women compared to the surfer...haha)
They colored pictures from a coloring book we got in Hawaii...danced to Hawaiian music, ate pineapple chunks,goldfish crackers etc, and dressed up...it was fun!
well...that was 3 & 6....now they're 23 & 26....and I am still having my theme parties.....just not for the kiddies...haha. Happy belated birthday BRENNA!
Have a great birthday MEGAN!


  1. We were adorable! Poor Uncle Mark... How did he take a news that we named a rodent after him?

  2. Hi Mrs. Kaminski! Brenna sent me a link to your blog today to show me the pictures...they are so cute! I especially love how it looks like Brenna is squeezing the hamster!

  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again....quit your job and open a event planning co. for kids only!
