Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday letter

Okay...that's it for the valentine letters/notes...there are more...but I'll save them for another time. like after I learn how to use the scanner and it doesn't take me so darn long to complete a task..haha
One would think that I could get better and better at these tasks as I go along...but one day I can do it without a hitch...the next I'm back at square one....go figure. Anyway...I hope to some day scan all these notes and compile them into a book or something....or rather...have SOMEONE ELSE scan them...etc. I would ask my brother David...but we then we might never see them again.hahaha *He has good intentions...but is always going in many directions at once. They are fun to read through and they bring a smile to my face....and also give me a little glimpse back in time.

1 comment:

  1. yeah like when it took him like a year to frame my picture from Italy
