Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Steelers: Here We Go - 2008-09 version

Actually...this was what I was trying to put on the last post....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(sound of my sigh) one of these days I will figure this all out...and have a computer that doesn't have a mind of it's own.....and I will be a super blogger! hahahah a scary thought!
This is the sound of the song fans were singing in 2008...at the local "Steeler" Bar..(although this was not taped at the local spot).....where all the fans gather to watch the games that aren't on regular TV. Most Pittsburgh fans are SERIOUS fans...they cry when they win as well as when they lose....fortunately they seem to win often. The Alabama fans come pretty close....the whole stadium gets loud and everyone is into it. Florida fans are serious too...but it's a different level of seriousness.... after all.....it's Florida! And Dolphin fans...well they've just about given up hope of winning...hahaha So Pittsburgh is going to the Super Bowl and we'll see what happens there!

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