Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday Night Fish Fry (in the garage?)

John went fishing Wednesday night/Thursday with Ron, Ben, Anthony, Alex and Matthew...on this boat. (Anthony is a partner on this boat with another friend) we think It's a little bigger than John's boat...and that was helpful since it was a little rougher than they expected. The extra 8ft came in handy...haha
They did not find any wahoo...but they did get some grouper and snapper.

Anthony & his brother Alex (Alex and Matthew and his friend Veronica are visiting from Quebec)
While Ron & Ben cleaned the fish on Friday evening...we ate!
It started to rain a bit so we all moved into the garage...cosy enough..not exactly luxurious..haha but the food was good so we didn't care.Besides...that way my whole house didn't end up smelling like fried fish!
Anthony brought some wahoo and made up this sushi...with a special spicy sauce...pretty good.
we invited our friend Mike over and he brought a big lobster. Anthony's kids were both scared and fascinated by it
After a little coaxing...Aidan decided he would touch it
We ended up eating and drinking in the garage until late into the night...we listened to music, laughed and just enjoyed a casual Friday night get together with plenty of good fresh fish!

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