Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Beautiful day

Yesterday was a busy day at the Library. When January rolls around things are always busy...all the "snowbirds" are back in town and they are flocking haha to the library. This means the front desk stays busy,busy! From the moment I got there yesterday...until about an hour before I got off...I really didn't stop. First job is to empty the bookdrop and since we open late on Tuesday (12 noon) it is usually just about full when we empty it at 11:00am. I filled up a cart and we managed to get everything checked in and on it's way back to the shelves or to other libraries before it was time to open. When we opened the doors...there was a small crowd out front and from then on it was nonstop. We were checking things in and out, processing new cards, temporary cards, updating get the idea. Two staff members and a couple of volunteers were out it was Susan and I trying to saty one step ahead on each task. Kathy filled in during lunch breaks...and we all did pretty well together. When my day ended at feet hurt and I was a little tired.
But the good thing is I have today off...and what a beautiful day it is! I took my camera out for a bike ride....
This year I have noticed more color than I ever remember...maybe because it was so cold last winter????? Whatever the reason...I am loving it. People are probably tired of me commenting on it...because everywhere around town I can't help but notice trees with red, yellow and orange instead of the usual brown leaves.The house at the end of the block has this tree with all the colorful leaves...I keep looking at it every day when I walk Kiena...and finally decided to snap a few pictures of the color before it's all gone.
Another tree we pass on another block has a vine with these bright red leaves. They are almost gone...but I have enjoyed seeing them ever day for the last couple of months.

When I go north in the fall I can't help but collect some leaves as I walk along...and yesterday morning when I passed the tree at the end of my street I gathered these up. All this color...from one tree!
This morning John and I took a walk...and the river looked so nice...I decided to ride down to the causeway and take some more pictures.
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Looking towards Melbourne...look how glassy the water wind.
Pelicans on a dock at the end of a path to the river.

When we were younger we spent many afternoons paddling rafts, sailing (small) boats and skiing on this river.

Heading back to the road.BEAUTIFUL!

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