Friday, November 19, 2010

UF-SC Game

Last weekend we went with some friends up to the Fl-South Carolina game. We all know how that turned out...but we did have a good time. We went in this RV,

John and Mike spent a lot of time trying to get the D$%* TV working so we could watch the early games. It kept telling us to was finding the signal...but it never found it. After a couple of trips onto the roof, checking all the wires, etc, we finally got some help on the phone and we got reception!
Heading in
Mike's son and daughter-in-law were part of our group. The two little boys were adorable. Both were decked out in full Gator gear. The baby was about 8 1/2 months old...a fun age...and he was really cute. Even John, who usually isn't a huge fan of babies...thought he was pretty cute.

Sights around the tail gate area. It was an absolutely beautiful fall day!
On the back row all the RV's were under the big oak trees full of Spanish moss. It is a pretty nice spot back there. It was funny to see how decked out all the campers were...people have anything/everything Gator. Pretty amusing...I guess if you have the money...
I needed to take a picture of one of the trees...that I always loved when I was in Gainesville. Reminded of the trees growing up in Pittsburgh, PA.
We walked over to the stadium around dusk. Lots of fans..lots of fun going on...but those 7pm games give people a lot of too much time to imbibe...if you know what I mean. Some people looked as though they might not make it to their seats!

When you have a blog a have to stop and pose on your way in to the stadium.
Did you happen to notice I got a better picture of John...than he did of me??? hahah
We stopped to check out the view from where Mike and family would be sitting.
Notice the man in the YELLOW shirt...that's where their seats were.
We...on the other hand, were up a little ways
Getting closer
view from our seats...which really weren't too bad...I saw plenty.
we were up at the top next to the big screen in the end zone and the signs...
The "Old Ball Coach" also our competition that day

Here I am up at the top...that orange wall is the very Back row! haha
Guy across the aisle from me...snoozing before the game

If you watched the game you know the first 14 seconds were great!,,,and after that...well it's been better. I was happy for Steve Spurrier...good for him winning the SEC East for South Carolina. We were right next to a bunch of SC we had fun watching them win! Mike's grandson (2 1/2) got to go to his first game. He loved it! (too young to know the score...haha) He was cheering away...his dad got a great picture of him cheering..and he got kissed by Alberta! So...we all still had fun.

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