Thursday, November 11, 2010

a little rant

If anyone wonders why people like me want Health Care Reform.... in case I haven't already told you..haha here's one example..............
Last month I finally decided I needed to go find a regular doctor, before I really needed one. I checked our latest insurance booklet and found a Dr. I knew (Mom and Dad both went to him and several friends mentioned him) so I decided it was time to stop putting it off...make an appointment and go. So good.
we went...John and I, because we called and they actually said they would take us...several others had turned us down in the past after we told them what insurance we had..Pause...and let me explain...I work part-time so the county does not give me any insurance can't even pay into the group to get it. John is self-employed so he is on his we have always had to get our own insurance...usually paying a lot for OK coverage.(high deductibles)
Okay...back to the present...We went to the Dr. He was great! His staff was friendly, helpful and it was a relief......until we started getting the bills.
So far...our well visit plus flu shot is costing us....$209.35 each. John had to go for a follow-up to get a few prescriptions...another $115.00. Now factor in what we had to pay for the prescriptions....$$$$$ Okay.... do the math at least $600.00 for preventative care...Lord only knows what we'll do if we actually get sick!...because it doesn't look to good if being well costs this much! Will I go back for another check-up in 6 months as suggested...doubt it...if I feel ok. Why do people save old medicine they (like us ) paid a chunk of change for...because why would I throw out something I spent $100.00s of dollars on??? I may need it later...or someone else may need it. I know prescription medicine abuse is on the rise...but if people didn't spend so much on the medicine...they might be more likely to dispose of it as recommended. I don't think the health care plan is perfect as is...I'm sure it needs plenty of tweaking...but I am one of those people that truly hopes they can do something...because the system as not working. I could save a lot of money by just NOT having insurance...but I don't want to do that either.....I just hope...if I do get sick...I don't go broke in the process of trying to get well.

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