Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oh! It's you again!

Sooooo I like to shop as much as the next person...and I don't think I get too carried away...but I'll admit that I make my regular visits to Dillard's to check out the sale racks. A while back I tried to tell Brenna (or Megan) that I don't shop that much...and of course the next time I went in the sales clerk said to me "Oh, you're back.... It's nice to see you again!" HAHAHAHA I go often enough that they recognize me...but I think it's because of my great manners, pleasant smile...etc....not the fact that I'm a big spender. A couple of the ladies are really nice...and I try to have them check me out when possible so they get the credit. One is a young woman...a great sales person...she is genuine, has a great sense of style and is always pleasant. The other woman is not quite as perky and lively...but she is always pleasant and helpful...and neither one is pushy!...
My routine is to go in and head to the Karen Kane her stuff and the sales are pretty good. When the new merchandise comes out I'll try it on for future reference...and then watch it.If I think it's something I REALLY like, that might not be there when the discounts are in progress...I MIGHT pay full price.Well...I popped in last evening just to have a look around...and found not just one but two items of interest that were 70% I am always willing to try it on when it's 70% off sometimes it becomes clear very quickly exactly WHY an item is still there.....Found a couple of keepers and when I went to of my ladies was there. She smiled and said"Oh you are one of my best customers"...Okay I guess I'm busted! That's two that have said that...hahaha...but I really think it's because the last time I was checking out the bathing suits on sale she was helping me. When I was almost ready to check out I noticed she was not at the I decided to wait a minute or two to see if she was coming back. Right away another gal tried to "help" me...but I politely said I wasn't quite ready...and I went to find "my" lady...which I did...and she was very pleased to think I waited to give her the sale. So there's a possibility it's because I'm a regular...but I think it's because they LIKE me. HAhaha... that's my story and I'm sticking to it!" Until next time......


  1. clearly you shop too much, so go and find me fall/winter clothes because I don't want to
