Monday, October 11, 2010

A Day to Remember

As you can see...yesterday , as part of a reunion weekend, the classes of 79,80 & 81, had a memorial service on the beach and Paddle Out to remember classmates and faculty who are no longer with us.
My sister Elizabeth had told me about the service a month or so ago...and to tell the truth.... I kind of put it to the back of my mind...since I had no intention of paddling out anywhere...I just really didn't think about.t it...other than the fact that my sister Jenifer was one of those being remembered
And then...last week as I was walking...I heard someone calling my was a friend Diane N. who was a classmate of Jenifer's at Mel High and part of my Bunco group now. She asked me if I was planning to attend....I told her I really wasn't interested in paddling a surfboard out...and she laughed and told me that she wasn't either....... but it was also a memorial service and it should be nice. (She was on the committee) now...I felt like I really should go...since first Elizabeth had suggested it...and now a friend was encouraging me to go. John was going to be out of town, the weather was perfect for a beach why not go? So...I did.
Nina Keck and Melvin Banister led the service.
there were 15 boards and yellow roses ready to go
the display with photos of the honorees and the programs
There were some waves it was a little difficult to hear...the recorded music was out...but Melvin had a good strong, clear voice, He read some bible verses and then gave a nice sermon(?) reminding everyone to cherish friends and family and make the most of each day...because you never know what will happen. Each day is a gift...make the most of it.
since the recorded music was a "no go" one person suggested that everyone sing "Amazing Grace"...and then she led the group. She had a lovely voice. I on the other hand gracefully decided to listen to everyone else...and enjoy their voices
Representatives from each class read the verses to the song "Gone Too Soon" and the read out the names of classmates and faculty members. Some people shared a few words about special friends, teachers or family members. It was simple, but very nice. I was glad I had decided to go.
Melvin, while an athlete...and over 6 feet tall...was not really a surfer...if he has ever been on a board...but he would not give up trying to get past the shore break
Friends and classmates on the beach encouraged him gave him a hard timehe just kept trying
Meanwhile up at the pavilion there was coffee and donuts from Dunkin Donuts...(of course)...and they had the area decorated and ready to go for an afternoon cookout and final get together for the reunion weekend.
I was glad I had attended...and glad that Elizabeth and Diane both encouraged me to go...they gave me the extra incentive I needed.

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