Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 12th

So...we were originally planning to go to a wedding this past Sunday...but unfortunately things did not work out as planned. Because of a commitment to the US Navy and an assignment that was unexpected...the wedding was called off. BUT...instead of feeling sorry for herself...the bride to be decided to go ahead with a celebration...because friends and family members already had airline tickets and why not go ahead and have a party?????!!!!!
Her dad and a good friend (in from Pittsburgh) went fishing and caught a cooler full of mahi mahi
A freezer full of lobster and the freshly cleaned fish...lots of friends and family turned it into a great afternoon/evening.
As for the bride-to-be...she is confident that everything works out for the best in the long run and she'll wait and see what that is.

enjoying time with cousins, sisters, aunts uncles, grandparents and lots of good friends...
Out of all the ways this could have turned out...I was happy for B that she was able to appreciate the love and support of everyone there and enjoy the day...even if it wasn't exactly what she had in mind.....and eventually that day will come. Personally...I thought it was great. (of course if AK was in charge it might have meant guests would be required to wear old wedding outfits/dresses, etc.) I'm sure everyone was happy I WAS NOT in charge! hahaha

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