Friday, September 3, 2010

Proud Parent

Yes folks...that's me one proud parent... okay this is old...but I was and am still proud
last night Jimmy Buffett was in VA (or maybe MD)
and a station Megan listens to was having a contest to name the "Biggest Parrothead"..the winner would get two tickets to the concert. Well, Megan (big Parrothead that she is) already had her tickets...but she still wanted to she made her call to station WMZQ and told them why she should be named the winner.
She went to her first Jimmy Buffett concert in Orlando when she was 6, bought just about every JB cassette later CD, available, bought assorted JB merchandise over the years
attended more concerts, got more shirts
even ate a CHEESEBURGER..with lettuce and tomato, Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes, big Kosher pickle and a cold root beer or Coke,at the Key West Margaritaville Restaurant(with the Roys)...even though at that period in time she was rarely eating red meat
knows all the words to most of his songs and recently bought a Parrot head license tag Well the tipping point was that as she put it "and a real Parrothead would already have tickets to the concert!"
got Marcus to wear the Parrothead hat for a picture (haha)
and what more can I say....
******By the way...we are proud of Megan for lots of reasons..... but as Brenna might say "I couldn't resist it"! haha


  1. HA, Too bad that proud parent sticker is for me :)... I found it in a drawer and cashed in my free kids cheeseburger well into High School
