Monday, September 27, 2010

Birthdays and baby showers

There have been plenty of reasons to celebrate lately....birthdays and baby showers
and a proud grandmother making sure everyone is recognized
Olivia (3) and Michaela (5) have birthdays just a couple of weeks every year the family celebrates both together. Plenty of fun and CAKE! for everyone. The forecast was "iffy"...but the rain stayed away and it was nice...not too hot. Not that the kids would have minded...they were having a good time on the inflatable slide/pool.( The adults were sitting on the side planning a midnight raid....we wanted a turn!)

One cake situated at each end of the vanilla
the other chocolate with a chocolate mousse filling...yum!

Before long...there will be another cousin in on the ????? (no name yet...or at least they're not telling)is due sometime around October 20th.
But we at least know it's going to be a boy....and he will have plenty of things to get him off to a good start!

Meanwhile the ladies enjoyed an afternoon of great food and delicious treats
The cute cake made out of 60+ diapers...was really impressive. I'd hate to take it apart!
Surprised Mom-To-Be was delighted with everything and thrilled with all the different gifts. (which made up for the fact that she left her house with no make-up on...because she thought they were just dropping something off at a friend's house)

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