Monday, August 23, 2010

Another Good Day of Fishing (sort of)

John, Ron, Ben, Jess and Ben's dad, Mike all went fishing Saturday and as you can see...they got some great fish.....but it was a long day on the water
Ben holding a Yellow Eye Snapper. Mike has a Grouper.
"Big Ben" holding the big grouper

John with all the fish...all 8 different species
I came out the back door...unaware the picture was being taken....
Holding up two of the big ones
They finally got a Yellowfin of the first this year (after So many last year) Ron was reeling it it went along came a shark (or two?) and CHOMP!!!!!...half the fish was gone...but Ron reeled it in and we finished off the rest! hahaha

Strawberry Grouper and Silky Snapper
Queen Snapper

Mystic ugly looking fish...but it tastes pretty good! :D This giant fish head was from a 160lb grouper....and the head was so ugly....I'm glad I didn't see the whole fish!.I like the goofy expressions on John and Ben's faces..almost as bad as the fish)..I'm not sure what Ron was going to do with it...other than freak people out by showing it to them...I figured maybe he was going to do a twist on the scene from "The Godfather"...substituting a big fish head for a horse head...but they assured me that wasn't his plan. hahaSo they left our house at about 2:30am Saturday and headed out as usual looking for fish. They were catching plenty of fish and then got a little later than usual start back. About 49 miles out the hit a wall of storms...not just rain...big black clouds and lightning...with the radar you can usually use it to get around the storms...but this one was about 20 miles long and miles way around it. So they had to wait it out (for 3! hours)...the water went from being sheet glass to kind of rough when the north wind kicked they were wet, running a little low on gas and wondering how they were ever going to get through the wall of storms! Mike said at one point it was just a wall of black and red...doesn't sound fun to me! John put a call in to the Coast Guard to let them know they were out there...they weren't in distress...just running a little low on gas and figured it would be a good idea to let someone know where they were (GPS) and what the plan was...just in case things got any worse...(Thank God they did NOT!) Meanwhile...back at the ranch house I was starting to get a teensy bit nervous as it was getting dark, and late(r). Finally...around 9PM Ron called and told me they were on their way in the inlet and would call again as soon as they got in. They went in at Ft. Pierce...met the BoatTow people who had waited with two gallons of gas...and THEN they still had to run up the river to Sebastian Inlet get the trailer and bring the boat home. SO...they pulled in to our driveway at approximately 1:30am almost a full 24 hours after they left. They were all pretty soaked/(sort of drying off...)very tired, very glad to be home. John came in showered and went right to sleep. I on the other hand...could not sleep for the next hour and a half...I think I finally went to sleep around 3am....Ben said he and Jess couldn't sleep, same for Ron...after all that was hard to settle down. LOts of late night TV viewing...(which usually puts you to sleep sooner or later!) Everyone slept in Sunday and then came over around 4pm to clean the fish. Once that was out of the way...we brought some over to the neighbors.....and cooked some up for ourselves.
It was a nice evening on the back porch for seared Tuna, grilled grouper and MahiMahi. And THEN>>>>....we all slept pretty well last night!

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